Chapter 331 - 332

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Chapter 331 Frost-free Pill is Completed

Objectively speaking, Frost-free Pill is not the most difficult among the pills that Su Ziyi has refined.

Looking at all the fifth-grade elixirs, Su Ziyi has not yet seen any elixir that is more difficult to refine than the Life Extension Pill. Therefore, Su Ziyi is quite confident about this Frost-free Pill.

He prepared all the materials first.

Most of the items were sent over from behind by Gu Lincong. Although the quantity was not large, it should be enough to support him in successfully refining a batch of frost-free pills.

The refining of the frost-free elixir is not much different from the refining of ordinary elixirs, but because the elixir is extremely cold and dark, the moment the elixir is completed, a cold wave will suddenly erupt in the elixir furnace. If the master cannot control the spiritual power and fire in time, the entire furnace of elixir will be destroyed in an instant. So you must pay attention to this when refining the frost-free pill.

Apart from this, everything else is fine.

After breaking through to the early stage of foundation building, Su Ziyi had more inner fire to activate. And with enough inner fire, he got rid of the lengthy manual process of processing the spiritual grass with ordinary methods, and directly used the inner fire to condense the essence of the spiritual grass, shortening the material processing time by nearly two-thirds.

And just when Su Ziyi devoted himself to refining Wushuang Pill, Gu Lincong brought his uncle to the Su family.

Su Ziyi had no time to be alone, so it was Bian Qing who received them. Bian Qing knew the reason for their visit, but what surprised him was that Gu Lincong's uncle seemed a little tired? The specific situation cannot be seen at a glance, but just from the look on the other person's face, you can see the tiredness that seems to have solidified in the other person's eyes.

When Bian Qing looked over, the other party raised his head and smiled at Bian Qing, but his smile was also full of listlessness.

Gu Lincong should know what happened to his uncle, because when he turned his head to look over, there was an inexplicable emotion in his eyes that was similar to hating iron for not being able to become steel. This kind of emotion is not normal for a junior like Gu Lincong. Even if his uncle cannot speak, he is stronger than him and has a higher seniority than him. It is very rude to do so.

Therefore, Gu Lincong should know the truth.

Facing Gu Lincong's gaze, the master's uncle had no other emotions in his eyes. He just turned his head and did not look at the person, as if he was escaping. After seeing his appearance, Gu Lincong could only sigh and bowed to Bian Qing: "Fellow Taoist Bian Qing, I'm sorry to come at this time, but we really can't wait any longer." He smiled bitterly. , obviously there is really no other way.

Bian Qing didn't care about this, not because he was generous, but because he believed in Su Ziyi's alchemy skills. Therefore, he nodded, poured a cup of tea for each of them, and then said: "My husband is already refining the elixir. You guys still need to wait a moment." This frost-free elixir is used to save lives, so Bian Qing I won't bother with them about minor problems.

Gu Lincong saw that there was indeed no look of disgust on his face, so he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief and thanked him sincerely.

Although Bian Qing entertained them, he did not intend to stay with them forever. On the one hand, it was because he really had nothing to talk about with Gu Lincong and the others, and although Gu Lincong seemed kind, how could someone who could walk with ease among the forces of good and evil be an ordinary person? Woolen cloth? So Bian Qing felt that staying away from him would help him hide the little secrets that belonged to their family.

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