Chapter 19 - 20

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Chapter 19: The Matter of the Meteor Immortal Forest [Enter to ask for branches]

Meteor Immortal Forest, where is that?

On Qingze Continent, even a three-year-old child knows about the Fallen Fairy Forest, let alone an adult like Su Ziyi. Even though the original person has been in seclusion in the Su Mansion, he has heard about the Fallen Fairy Forest.

I don’t know since when, a legend appeared on the Qingze continent. According to legend, a real immortal was buried there in the Fallen Immortal Forest. The immortal was deeply unwilling to die because of his unexpected death. His dying hatred caused his flesh and blood to pollute the land where he was buried. From then on, strange trees were entangled here, and monsters and beasts were everywhere. If it goes rampant, it will be difficult for crops to grow and people and animals will be restless.

In order to prevent it from continuing to spread and protect the monks' remaining living place, forty-nine powerful monks with heavenly power sacrificed themselves and used powerful means to completely isolate the Fallen Fairy Forest from other lands. And supplemented by the power of the formation, they fight against the power of the immortals in an attempt to defeat or even purify the polluted land.

Day after day, year after year, when monks possessing the power to reach heaven can only be heard as legends, no one takes the reputation of the Fallen Fairy Forest seriously anymore.

For today's people, the Fallen Immortal Forest is more like a treasure land. Although there are a lot of monsters inside, there are also many herbs and ores that are not available outside. And whether it is monsters or herbs, they are important resources in the cultivation process of monks, and the huge benefits contained in them make people flock to them.

However, the Immortal Meteor Forest is the place of the Immortal Meteor after all.

No one knows how big the Meteor Fairy Forest is. Everyone only knows that it is a forest with no end in sight. The further you go inside, the stronger the monsters become and the higher the risk. One by one the explorers fell down on the way to the depths, and then batches of new visitors arrived, and piles of corpses failed to pave a smooth path out of the Fallen Fairy Forest.

At this time, people began to be afraid. They no longer challenged the bottom line of the Fallen Fairy Forest. They learned to hunt honestly on the outside of the Fallen Fairy Forest. Unless they were powerful people, they no longer dared to go deep into the Fallen Fairy Forest. of.

"If it is close to the Fallen Fairy Forest, then Luoshan Village should not be so barren." Villages and towns connected to the Fallen Fairy Forest often serve as transfer stations. The huge flow of people brings money and prosperity to the place. . "Well, so it was in the past." Bian Qing said seriously: "I heard that three dynasties ago, Qingcheng was still the outskirts of the Meteor Immortal Forest." Su Ziyi stopped talking. Compared with Chucheng,

Qingcheng It is indeed much closer to Luoshan Village, but it is also hundreds of miles away. "So, I was thinking -" Over there, Bian Qing was still talking: "Perhaps it is true as the villagers said, this place used to be within the scope of the Meteor Fairy Forest, just because the range of the Meteor Fairy Forest is getting larger and larger. They are too small, so they are no longer connected -" "

And in this case, the things in the legend may be true. The forty-nine powerful people succeeded. Not only did they isolate the Fallen Fairy Forest from the land, It even reversed the situation in the Fallen Fairy Forest, making it smaller and smaller." Bian Qing's words became light and airy in Su Ziyi's ears, making his thoughts spin along with him.

Su Ziyi agreed with Bian Qing's statement in his heart.

"So, the current monsters are leftover from the former Fallen Immortal Forest?" Su Ziyi's voice became deeper. "I don't know about that." Bian Qing was now very accustomed to talking calmly with Su Ziyi: "But maybe that's it." "When you say that, I want to go into the mountains to have a look." Su Ziyi sighed. road.

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