Chapter 345 - 446

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Chapter 345 Resonance of All Weapons

It is about three feet long, completely black, and its body is full of small pits like pimples. It is not smooth, but it surprisingly emits a dazzling light under the refraction of the firelight in the magma pool.

This is a sword.

To be precise, it was once.

Blinking, Su Ziyi looked at the broken sword that suddenly appeared in front of him, never expecting that it would look like this embedded in the boulder.

He originally thought it would be more majestic and not look like this dilapidated one.

However, this look is just right.

Buzz -

Suddenly, Broken Sword's body flashed with brilliance, like water rippling. Su Ziyi looked intently and saw countless white flocculent mist coming from all around towards the Broken Sword, creating the appearance of a peerless sword overflowing with immortal energy, high and cold.

Su Ziyi felt something in his heart, and with a turn of his wrist, his sword moves also changed.

As soon as the sword moves changed, Su Ziyi's overall temperament also changed. The mist surrounding him began to roll, spreading like ripples from the aura sword in his hand to the entire white mist area. In this area, the broken sword, which was also wrapped in the mist, also started to move.

They were like magnets. No matter how Su Ziyi's sword moves changed, the broken sword could always catch up to him immediately. Occasionally, when Broken Sword wants to take a dominant position, he will strike first and move. Su Ziyi is not afraid, his movements are light and ethereal, but he moves his steps and moves his elbows, and then he follows.

They were entangled with each other, and no one would admit defeat first, they just wanted to wait for the other to be short of breath and rest.

For a while, they were in a stalemate.

At this moment, Su Ziyi felt refreshed both physically and mentally. He had entered a mysterious realm. In his eyes, the broken sword was no longer a match for him. Nor is it a simple broken sword. Something seemed to come down from its sword body, and it was clothed in white mist, condensing into a vague human shape holding a sword in his hand. He was a master of swordsmanship. Although his movements were not sharp, he brought Su Ziyi into his world. His aura made Su Ziyi feel like he was fighting against a master.

This is really refreshing!

In this confrontation, Su Ziyi gradually forgot everything, completely forgetting where he was and what he was doing. He was like a newborn baby, exploring the world bit by bit under the guidance of his elders. He will be surprised by every discovery and proud of every receipt. Everything is new to him, and everything will stimulate his further desire and make him want more.

And the other party is indeed acquiescing to his behavior.

Although he was sometimes very harsh, which made Su Ziyi feel that every step was difficult, but after Su Ziyi gritted his teeth and overcame the difficulties, he was not stingy with his generosity and gave Su Ziyi the reward he wanted most.

The two of them are like masters and apprentices who have been together for thousands of years. The master was Yanci and the apprentice was diligent. They completed a inheritance through time and sweat, until——


It was obvious that the spiritual sword and the broken sword collided, but metal suddenly came out of them. The sound of arguing also brought back Su Ziyi's consciousness, which was wandering in Taixu.

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