Chapter 253 - 254

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Chapter 253 A lot of gains

If it were normal, anyone would jump with joy when seeing so many golden cicadas.

However, Su Ziyi was not happy at all at this time.

Even though it was just a brief confrontation, Su Ziyi could tell from the opponent's blow that the Golden Thread Singing Cicada was not easy to deal with. If it weren't for the Binghuo Essence in his hand that restrained the Gengjin Qi, he might not even be able to touch the opponent. After all, the opponent was so fast and so small.

Moreover -

the records about the golden-threaded cicada in the classics are mainly about its effectiveness, and only briefly mention its growth environment. But even so, the body of the Golden Thread Singing Cicada is well known to everyone. It is difficult to completely destroy its body with ordinary smelting methods, so a lot of preprocessing is required every time it is refined.

His fingers rubbed the Binghuo Essence in his hand, and a dark light flashed in Su Ziyi's eyes.

At this moment, the entire cave has completely exposed its true appearance, looking like a honeycomb. The much larger Golden Thread Ming Chan seemed to feel that he was powerful enough, so after confronting Su Ziyi for nearly half a cup of tea, he charged at Su Ziyi again.

Countless golden-threaded cicadas gathered together, elongated into the shape of a sea wave, and were as dense as clouds, hooding Su Ziyi's head. Su Ziyi, who had been on guard against it for a long time, naturally could not just let it fall on his head obediently. Before it could sink a foot, the sword in his hand just like before, directly hit the ball of golden cicadas. Split in half.

After this attack, Su Ziyi took advantage of them before they could gather together, and once again aroused the Binghuo essence in his hand, and struck again with a sweeping force. The sweep range of this move was huge, and there were so many Binghuo essences being triggered, so in the blink of an eye, golden rain began to fall in the sky again. However, this move also sucked away 30% of the spiritual energy in Su Ziyi's body. After all, the Binghuo spirit was not generous.

Having suffered losses twice in a row, Golden Thread Singing Cicada now knew it was no coincidence.

They no longer rushed towards Su Ziyi so recklessly. Instead, they straightened up and dispersed the golden clouds that were originally gathered together. They fell under the roof of the cave and covered the small black holes, like a golden horse. The curtains are average.

Such a gesture made Su Ziyi even more wary.

He looked back calmly, raising his head to pay attention to the movement of the golden-threaded cicada above his head, but his feet stepped back little by little, as if he was about to run away. As for his escape, the golden-threaded cicada seemed to agree very much. It flapped its wings desperately and made a louder rustling sound, which made people's brains feel a little swollen.

In an instant, Su Ziyi's legs and feet became a little unstable.

But he immediately realized something was wrong, shook his head, and looked at the golden cicadas with surprise and wariness.

He had no idea that this little golden-threaded cicada had so many tricks up its sleeve. It could actually affect people's minds through the sound waves generated by flapping its wings, causing them to become confused and unsteady.

Relying on this, Su Ziyi's alertness to the golden-threaded cicadas in front of him increased to the highest level.

As if realizing that Su Ziyi had seen through their methods, the golden-threaded cicadas on the cave roof flapped their wings faster. The sound was like a wave coming toward people, making Su Ziyi feel like his breathing was a little restricted and his body couldn't hold on any longer.

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