Chapter 277 - 278

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Chapter 277 Song of Prayer and Blessing

Although the tone is weird, it gives people a very sacred feeling.

Su Ziyi felt as if he had entered a church by mistake. The smiling, round-faced man is a kind-hearted pastor, and the children surrounding him are loyal believers.

No matter how you look at it, it's weird.

What made Su Ziyi even more puzzled was that the weird tune seemed to have real magic power. It made people feel relaxed and relaxed, and their impetuous thoughts could not help but calm down. It's just that this is a world of spiritual power and practitioners, and there are no magic powers or magicians, so such an effect should be produced by the other party integrating spiritual power into the sound.

So, should this be called “music repair”?

Xiao Luzi next to him was also attracted by this tune. Under the wash of this weird tune, the sophistication and fatigue on his face disappeared little by little, replaced by the innocence and vitality that a young man should have.

They stood nearby until the round-faced man finished singing the tune in his mouth. After singing, the man touched the heads of the children around him one by one. Su Ziyi could tell at a glance that he had inserted a small thread of spiritual power into the bodies of these children. This thread of spiritual power would not cause any harm to the bodies of ordinary children. What kind of malignant effects will it drive away some of their minor ailments and make them feel more comfortable?

And these children bowed to the round-faced man very sensibly, and then walked home in twos and threes.

After the round-faced man watched the children leave, he turned his head and caught the eye of Su Ziyi, who looked curious. Xiao Luzi next to him had a look of reverence on his face, but Su Ziyi could only nod his head in embarrassment. As if he had misunderstood what he meant, he walked towards them at a leisurely pace.

"Hello, Master!" As soon as the round-faced man came over, Xiaoluzi roared excitedly, and even startled Su Ziyi and the others. The round-faced man smiled back at Xiao Luzi, which made Xiao Luzi even more excited.

"Fellow Taoist, we meet again." After saying hello to Xiao Luzi, the man looked at Su Ziyi. He spoke like someone else, giving people a feeling of spring breeze. It's just that Su Ziyi never knew how to deal with this kind of people, so he responded vaguely: "Yes." Fortunately, the other party did not think he was rude, and instead invited him: "What are you going to do?

" Let's go back to the inn, right? I'm about to go back too, why don't we come together?"

"Okay." Su Ziyi is a foundation-building practitioner, so naturally he won't be afraid of a Qi Refining Dzogchen. He directly gave Xiaoluzi two pieces of silver, sent the cheerful man away, and then followed the master towards the inn.

The master was obviously very familiar with these streets and alleys. He walked forward without any pause and said as he walked: "When I met a fellow Taoist at the inn this morning, I wanted to make some friends with him." As he walked, After walking for a while, Su Ziyi's previously tense mentality relaxed and he began to communicate with the other party in a normal way: "Oh?" The other party laughed softly: "Although this is my first time here

. Lancheng. But I also know that in Tianlan City, there are not many people like Taoist friends who have cultivated to the level of foundation building at such a young age, and who have clear eyes and behave decently." Although he was still smiling when he said this, It always gives people a meaningful feeling.

But no matter what the other party's intentions are, Su Ziyi is not afraid.

He also smiled back at the other party: "This is the first time for me, my husband, and our children to come to a place like this, and I don't pay much attention to these things, so I really don't understand what you are talking about." In Su Ziyi's eyes It seemed that the other party was too mysterious, so he could only play Tai Chi with the other party in a vague manner.

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