Chapter 263 - 264

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Chapter 263 Deep in the Sea of ​​Flowers

In the end, they couldn't figure out An Shulin's true identity.

After cleaning out all the things, nearly 40% of them were related to insects. The remaining items were just spiritual objects and elixirs, and it was unknown how many of them were used to raise insects.

All in all, it gave Su Ziyi a headache.

Except for the jade pendant, he frowned and put everything else into another storage bag, sealed it in a wooden box, and then put it back into his own storage bag. "The origin of these things is unknown, so we'd better keep them for now and take them out later when we find out." After that, he took out a wooden box from his arms, which was what An Shulin had given him when he deceived him.

Compared with the items in the storage bag, the items in this wooden box are much more normal. They are all famous and classic items, except for the piece of cloth.

And this piece of cloth was the reason why Su Ziyi chose to follow An Shulin.

As soon as he took the cloth in his hand, Bian Qing came over and said, "This looks like the piece of cloth you got at the auction house?" His tone was a little uncertain, but Su Ziyi could say with certainty: "It's the same set of words, but the content is different." The edges and corners of the words are not very clear, and it can be easily confused by people who haven't paid special attention.

Bian Qing took another look and found the difference. He sighed slightly: "I don't know what this is, it looks really weird." In this regard, Su Ziyi's attitude was quite optimistic: "In the

future We'll figure it out eventually." After saying that, he collected the cloth and the other two pieces together.

After staying in the deep ditch for too long, it’s time to leave. Su Ziyi and the others couldn't figure out what time it was, they just felt a little chilled by the wind blowing from behind. Because of this, Su Ziyi felt ready to leave after taking some nightmare flowers. Unexpectedly, when he was squatting by the sea of ​​flowers, the wind blowing behind him suddenly became stronger.

The wind scraped against the long rock wall of the deep groove and poured into the cave where the sea of ​​flowers was located. It made a "whooshing" sound as it scraped against the upper edge of the cave, like a monster inhaling. And this was not the end of the wind. The wind whistled over the sea of ​​flowers, causing large swaths of nightmare flowers to move. And when it moves, the thin yellow line in the middle seems to be flying.

Su Ziyi's eyes flashed, and he shouted: "Hold your breath, cover your nose and mouth." After saying that, he quickly tore off three small pieces of his robe, poured some water on it, and gave it to Bian Qing and others. Su Yulang. Then he covered his mouth and nose and led the people back. The moment they moved, the wave of nightmare flowers that had been rushing forward suddenly retreated, blowing against Su Ziyi and the others with a whistling wind. One face.


As if he was full, he let out a long burp deep in the sea of ​​flowers. In an instant, the fragrance of the nightmare flowers around Su Ziyi and the others became countless times stronger. Even if Su Ziyi and the others had taken precautions, the scene in front of them was It also started to become a little blurry.


When the wind stopped completely, it was already half a cup of tea later. At this time, Su Ziyi's mind was all dizzy. He used all his strength to bite the tip of his tongue, barely maintaining the last trace of clarity. Then with a ferocious face and trembling, he took out Yun Ming Powder and Bai Jiang Dan and swallowed them.

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