Chapter 179 - 180

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Chapter 179 Aristocratic families gather together


As soon as Su Ziyi's heel stepped on a small pit on the wall of the pit, a "rumbling" sound came from the bottom of the pit. This chasing sound scared Su Ziyi and hurriedly ran up again, turning sideways. When I used my strength to push up, I dared to look back at the situation below.

And this glance made the speed of his feet immediately increase by three points again.

I saw that the yellow mud at the bottom of the pit was lifted from bottom to top by an invisible external force, driving the entire bottom of the pit to rise. And its rise is not just the movement of the bottom of the pit, but the surrounding walls of the pit are also gathered together, just like a hand suddenly pinching the bottom of a bottle, and then pushing it up hard, squeezing the entire bottle body, and letting the bottle Nothing else can be put in it.

Su Ziyi struggled to escape while being chased by this hand.

Of course, this is not all that troubles Su Ziyi. At least because the walls of the pit are forced to close, the originally straight and slippery bottom of the pit begins to tilt slightly inward, creating a slight slope, which allows Su Ziyi to better use his strength to move forward. Upward thrust. So not long after, Su Ziyi jumped out of the pit and stood outside the pit.

It was also at this time that he discovered that it was not only the deep pit that had undergone tremendous changes, but the entire slope was actually undergoing earth-shaking changes. The land at the end of the downhill slope began to slowly rise, and the higher end also began to sink, as if it was about to turn the entire slope into flat ground. What made Su Ziyi feel most depressed was the cloudless sky above his head. It's actually falling down too!

This time, he really had nowhere to go.

The noise caused by the terrain changes was huge, and Su Ziyi had to use his spiritual power to steady himself and avoid falling. And just when he stabilized his body, the deep hole on the ground had been filled up. It looked smooth and smooth, leaving no trace at all. If others saw it, they would never believe that there had been anything here before. A large pit at least forty feet deep.

All changes were rapid and synchronized. When the slope completely turned into flat ground, the blue sky above our heads also completely sank. To Su Ziyi's surprise, the sky seemed to have no temperature. When it fell, the surrounding temperature did not increase at all, as if it was a canvas carefully painted by someone.

But no matter what, when he was under the hood in that sky, he was suffocated for a moment.

The world turned upside down for just a moment. Even if Su Ziyi was afraid of not closing his eyes, he could only see darkness. Then a gentle external force directly hit his eyeballs, causing him to finally close his eyes uncontrollably. Then another oppressive external force enveloped his whole body, causing him to take a big gulp of water as he was having trouble breathing just now, but he didn't want to take a sip of water directly?

"Cough cough - cough cough -" Suddenly, Su Ziyi couldn't bear it and started coughing. But the more he coughed, the more water rushed into his lungs. He couldn't help but pinch his neck with his hands, trying to pull it away. The water was squeezed out, and then I realized belatedly that I had fallen into the water. I quickly took out a water-avoiding pill from my storage bag and drank it. Only then did I feel like I was alive.

After he recovered, Su Ziyi's eyes were red. When he opened his eyes, he realized that he had returned to the big blue lake where he had fallen into before! The clumps of blood-threaded channel worms were still floating in the lake, floating towards the water like balls.

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