Chapter 143 - 144

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Chapter 143 Unexpected Gain

When the sun rose high, Su Ziyi had the strength to go down from the rocky mountain to the ground.

As soon as it landed on the ground, yesterday's fishy smell had already begun to develop in the direction of rancidity, so it rushed into Su Ziyi's nostrils and stung him. He took two steps back, and then walked towards the black and red puddle with some difficulty.

This is the body of the thin old man.

It's just that now, he can't see what he looked like before. Su Ziyi couldn't imagine what kind of power could crush the flesh and blood of a foundation-building cultivator into a thin piece? If it weren't for the fact that his face could still be discerned after being flattened, Su Ziyi would have mistaken him for some unlucky guy.

The current appearance of this thin old man looked very much like those animal carcasses that Su Ziyi had seen crushed by cars on the road.

Although he looked miserable, Su Ziyi had no intention of sympathizing with him. He looked up and forward in the direction where the body fell, and saw a grass and stone path about ten feet wide. Like the old man's body, it was also crushed by foreign objects, with only some tenacious grass stems passing by. After a night, I slowly straightened my waist.

It seems that the golden horned anaconda did it.

Su Ziyi took a breath of air, but the surroundings were too smelly, so as soon as the stench entered his mouth, he immediately closed his mouth tightly. He didn't know what happened yesterday after he fainted, but it was clear that the golden horned anaconda had not lost. He looked down at the sword that fell into pieces and fell beside the old man, and shook his head.

Sure enough, even if you embark on the path of cultivation, if your strength is not higher than that of your opponent, there will always be a risk of death.

Su Ziyi sighed and planned to turn around and leave. However, when he turned around, he noticed something was wrong out of the corner of his eye and turned around immediately. Then he picked up a branch from the grass nearby, and used the tip of the branch to pull the skinny old man's clothes that had been lumped together with blood and flesh. Although it was a bit difficult to do, he still succeeded after using a little strength. He separated the piece of fabric.

However, this is also due to the fact that this part has a bulge and is not pressed too flat.

It was when Su Ziyi saw that the other party's waist actually bulged out that he stopped curiously and did something further. And when he opened the piece of cloth, he saw a dark cloth bag hanging on the old man's belt. It looked no more than the size of a palm, but it was exceptionally clean in this bloody place.

Subconsciously, Su Ziyi knew that this bag was probably not an ordinary thing.

He bent down and picked up the cloth bag. When he tore off the tether, the waist of the corpse, which had turned into a pancake, moved slightly, as if Su Ziyi had torn the flesh and blood apart in one move. So at that moment, Su Ziyi's hand paused.

When the bag was in his hand, Su Ziyi realized that it was not as clean as he thought. It was still soaked with blood, but it was just not stained with those white and red things. Feeling disgusted, he pulled on the frenulum with a few fingers, opened the bag, lowered his head and wanted to look inside, but found that he couldn't see anything at all.

Of course, it didn't mean that there was nothing inside, but when he looked at it with his eyes, he could only see a layer of illusory things, like a transparent mist rolling over the mouth of the bag.

Now, Su Ziyi knew that this bag was really extraordinary.

He turned his head and thought for a moment, then broke off a section of the branch in his hand and tentatively put it into the bag. As a result, the branch was able to pass through the mouth of the bag smoothly. He pulled back a little and found that there was nothing wrong with the branches, they were still the same, so he felt confident and continued to stuff the remaining branches inside.

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