Chapter 317 - 318

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Chapter 317 The competition begins

Guo Xie obviously thought of this as his first reaction.

But soon, he became a little unsure.

As a native of Dai, he knows better than Su Ziyi the fate of the extinct sects in Dai. Therefore, if Su Ziyi's sect really disappears like that, it is not that simple to pass it on to the present and train such a young foundation-building period.

But nothing is certain, maybe there are one or two lucky ones?

Suppressing this faint doubt in his heart again, Guo Xie looked at Su Ziyi with an indifferent expression. Knowing that the other party was very wary, he was wise enough not to pester him. After all, the two of them are rivals, and his behavior is absolutely suspicious in the eyes of the other party. So, he touched the tip of his nose, said goodbye to Su Ziyi, and left with his fellow disciples.

But Su Ziyi didn't pick up his feet until their backs were no longer visible, and walked back home.

Three days is just a blink of an eye.

Compared to the Qi Refining Stage Competition, the Foundation Establishment Stage Competition was obviously more lively. On weekdays, everyone would see two practitioners in the foundation-building stage fighting each other. They would run as fast as they could, for fear that they would be involved. But as a cultivator, I really want to see how foundation-building cultivators fight from the bottom of my heart, because the battles of high-level cultivators are of great benefit to low-level cultivators.

Therefore, the happiest people in this competition are the practitioners in the Qi refining period.

Su Ziyi didn't have to compete on the first day, so he brought Bian Qing and Su Yulang directly to the venue, hoping to watch the competition of today's practitioners to evaluate the approximate strength of his opponents. Others probably thought the same thing. They had not set foot here in the past month or so, but today they all appeared in the stands.

Compared with the final day of the Qi Refining Period a few days ago, the arena is much larger, and the shields around the arena are indeed much stronger as mentioned that day. You can see one layer without reaching out to try. A light cyan spiritual shield about ten feet high enveloped the entire arena.

This kind of handwriting should be the result of the formation.

Not long after we sat in the box, the entire venue became quiet. After a while, the mid-stage foundation-building cultivator who hosted the finals of the Qi Refining Competition last time came onto the stage again. As soon as he appeared, everyone knew that the competition was about to begin, and the last bit of silence disappeared quietly. , only the old man’s voice was left.

When everyone heard that the old man introduced that the first person to appear was a cultivator from Qibao Pavilion, an expression that was difficult to explain suddenly appeared on everyone's face.

To this day, the match between Qi Lin and Cui Yu is still fresh in their minds.

Therefore, when they thought about the appearance of another wealthy person, they felt even more inexplicable.

But fortunately, as soon as the game started, they discovered that Qi Yang and Qi Lin were completely different. As soon as Qi Yang came on the stage, he summoned his own magic weapon faster than Zuo Da of Tieshan Sect. He took a huge judge's pen and drew it in the air. Dozens of spiritual powers went straight towards Zuo Da like water arrows. Although Zuo Da was a little slower, at the moment when he was about to be attacked, he summoned a broad-backed sword to block in front of him, and set up a spiritual shield to deflect all the spiritual arrows.

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