Chapter 155 - 156

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Chapter 155 The camp was attacked
Facing this group of people, Su Ziyi just nodded without responding. After making sure that the other party would not pose a threat to him for the time being, he continued to lower his eyes and look at the fire, where a greasy rabbit was roasting. Where's his supper.

However, his attitude seemed arrogant in the eyes of the other party.

Immediately, the expressions of several people changed. The younger ones even took a few steps forward, but when the woman glanced sideways, she was immediately frightened and took two steps back.

In fact, to be honest, the woman had some objections to Su Ziyi's ignoring him. However, she has experienced a lot and has seen all kinds of practitioners with weird and eccentric temperaments, so Su Ziyi's behavior is not considered rude in her heart. She just thinks that Su Ziyi is a cold-tempered person who doesn't like to talk.

Therefore, she smiled heartily and continued to say to Su Ziyi, who was turning the rabbit over: "My surname is Lu and my name is Qianxi. Because it's still late and there are many risks here, I thought I'd take a ride with my fellow Taoist friends tonight. Dude, I wonder if it's convenient?" She added as if she was afraid of Su Ziyi's rejection: "We will light a fire and camp next to it, and we will definitely not disturb fellow Taoists." After hearing this, Su Ziyi raised his head and glanced at her

, Then he nodded indifferently.

Seeing this, Lu Qianxi thanked him very politely again. Whether it was the tone of his words or the style of his actions, he had the sassy demeanor of Liu Suiying that Su Ziyi had seen in the gym before. But for some reason, when Su Ziyi faced the other person's face, he always felt that the other person's behavior was a little fake, which made him reluctant to get close.

Therefore, he decided that if the other party would not cause him any trouble, he would just tolerate it tonight.

On this side, after Lu Qianxi got Su Ziyi's permission, she led the people around her to light a fire less than three feet away from Su Ziyi. And because they don’t have storage bags on their bodies, all the supplies require manpower to carry, so each of them is carrying a suitcase. One of the short men is even carrying four or five things in large and small bags. From Su Ziyi When passing by, Su Ziyi also attracted a sideways glance.

Just this look made him frown.

Because this middle-aged short man, whose back was bent due to the heavy luggage on his back, actually only had the second level of Qi Refining.

On the second level of Qi Refining, come to the middle level to hunt. Isn't this a joke? What are this man and his companion next to him thinking?

Looking at the other party's dark and wrinkled face, Su Ziyi only thought about these doubts in his mind and then put them behind him. After all, these things had nothing to do with him. But after the group of people chose a place, they all sat on the ground like an old man, and left everything to that short man to do everything, directing everyone around.

This made Su Ziyi feel a little upset.

But just when he was about to look away, the young man with an angry face who wanted to trouble Su Ziyi actually kicked the short man in the butt, causing the man with his hands full of firewood to stumble forward. After a few steps, he almost fell to the ground. But the young man didn't think there was anything wrong with him. He even pointed at the other party happily and scolded the other party for how useless he was.

Although other cultivators saw this scene, they all looked on with cold eyes, and some even had sneers on their faces.

In Su Ziyi's eyes, such a team would be finished sooner or later. His consciousness, which was much stronger than this group of people, had long noticed that when the young man kicked the short man, the strong hatred flashed through the short man's lowered eyes, as well as the strong hatred that was caused by the clenched teeth. The slight bulge in the cheek caused by the bite all shows the resentment in this person's heart.

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