Chapter 165 - 166

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Chapter 165 Bloodline Canal Worm

Damn it! If I had known earlier, I shouldn't have been so mean!

Behind the scenes, yellow earthworms have gathered into an army. Their bodies are entangled with each other, floating rapidly, and they are coming overwhelmingly. Su Ziyi glanced back and saw that the clear water was filled with densely packed yellow bugs with no visible edges. They were twisting their bodies wantonly, making people's skin crawl.

"Damn it!" Seeing this, Su Ziyi's face became more solemn, and his feet became faster and faster.

At this time, Su Ziyi could no longer tread water without leaving a trace. Every time he stepped on the water, there would be high splashes of water, and the pants and shoes below the thighs were even soaked. But even so, he never thought about going ashore, because when he thought about the countless large and small yellow greasy earthworms hidden in the inconspicuous yellow soil, he felt bad.

In order to find a breakthrough, he tried hard to flip through the memories in his mind, trying to find a few words about this yellow earthworm.

This yellow earthworm looks like a long snake, but has a smooth appearance and is headless at both ends. It has no eyes or fangs, so it is more like an enlarged version of earthworms. They swim extremely fast in wetlands and water, comparable to the speed of A long level three monster. And he didn't know if it was due to their innate magical powers. He didn't notice their existence at all when he used his spiritual sense to detect them before.

Could it be that their innate magical power can isolate practitioners from spiritual exploration?

If so, that's powerful. Su Ziyi swallowed, thinking that there were no records of these yellow earthworms in the general monster books. It was probably because there were very few cultivators who saw them, or it might be because they were too ferocious, and the cultivators who encountered them ended up... Be assimilated and become nourishment.

But no matter which one it is, it is not a good thing for Su Ziyi now.

The army of yellow earthworms behind was increasing in number. Even though it was already more than ten miles away from the place where the previous incident occurred, they were still biting behind Su Ziyi and chasing after her. Their bodies floated out of the water and piled up. In mid-air, it seemed to turn into a huge wave in the sea, trying to knock down the person chasing the wave.

As soon as Su Ziyi saw a shadow appearing on the water in front of him, a crisis suddenly arose in his mind. He kicked off his feet and splashed several inches of water. His whole body suddenly shot forward and far away like an arrow from a string. And just when he ran out, the huge yellow wave condensed in mid-air also hit him, making a big hole in the river water, and even a thick layer of mud at the bottom of the river was splashed up!

From this we can see that its power cannot be underestimated.

Su Ziyi didn't dare to look back, but just by hearing the momentum, he knew that this thing was more dangerous than he thought. The steps under his feet were getting faster and faster, but the opponent's speed also increased, and the two sides were like hunters being hunted. , as long as one party is exhausted, the victory of the other party can be declared.

Unfortunately, the winner was not Su Ziyi.

After running desperately for who knows how long, Su Ziyi felt faintly that his spiritual power was weak. He knew that it was because of his sudden force. But at this juncture, he could only stuff a Qi-Yi Dan into his mouth and continue running forward desperately. However, just as he turned around another reed swamp and prepared to enter the next body of water, a wall of lush reeds stood seven or eight feet away, blocking Su Ziyi's waterway.

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