Chapter 379 - 380

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Chapter 379 Arrangement of the Grand Formation

Time flies and it will be three days later.

During these three days, the practitioners of the Golden Elixir Stage came and went and were extremely busy. Although the others did not ask, they also knew that these adults must be busy with the evil-purifying formation, so they did not dare to disturb them anymore. They usually talked less about birthdays.

But what is gratifying is that the expressions on the faces of these adults have always been calm. I think things went smoothly.

As expected, when many disciples were required to participate on this day, the golden elixir practitioners who had looked very bad a while ago even had a faint look of relief in the corners of their eyes. Seeing this, all the disciples were determined. Only Su Ziyi looked at the vast wilderness before leaving the camp and couldn't help but wonder, is Qin Sikai really gone like this?

Thinking of this, Su Ziyi couldn't help but feel a little sad.

Bian Qing stepped forward, put his shoulder against Su Ziyi's, and touched him gently: "It's time to go." This time, the few remaining foundation-building practitioners were not incorporated into the formation. In the procession, they were only required to stand outside the formation and be responsible for checking the situation. If any disciples were spiritually exhausted or other situations occurred, they would immediately enter the formation to support them.

After giving instructions on everything, everyone left the camp and headed towards the depths of the wasteland.

It only takes less than half an hour to travel the golden elixir, and it only takes a few hours to build the foundation and control the sword. However, for the disciples in the Qi refining stage, this journey is not that long. Therefore, at the very beginning, the leader of the Xuan Cang Sect threw out a magic weapon from his sleeve, which instantly stretched into a small boat about five feet long in the storm, and carried everyone in it.

Suddenly, there was an uproar among the disciples, and everyone's eyes were shining.

Bian Qing was also very excited: "It's a flying magic weapon!" Flying magic weapons are rare, and it is extremely rare to be able to carry more than a hundred people at the same time, so it is inevitable that he will be a little embarrassed. Although Su Ziyi looked very reserved on his face, he was also very excited in his heart. He couldn't help but look around the boat with his eyes.

The golden elixir cultivators from other sects were also slightly surprised. They did not expect that Xuan Cang Sect would be so generous.

The leader of the Xuan Cang Sect standing on the bow of the boat waved his hand, and the boat took off in the wind, rising dozens of feet into the sky. The Qi Refining Stage disciples who had never controlled a sword before were filled with surprise. I couldn't help but pull the sleeves of the person next to me. After Su Ziyi and the others were excited for a while, they have now completely calmed down. Except for Bian Qing, there is still a strong curiosity about this flying magic weapon in his eyes.

Two hours later, the flying boat slowly landed.

Before landing, the disciples who were still excited about the flying boat fell silent one by one. They got off the flying boat in fear and looked at the scene in front of them with incredulous expressions. Su Ziyi and others who were standing behind were also astonished and could not say a word for a long time.

Until a golden elixir cultivator from the Qibao Pavilion urged impatiently, everyone moved forward as if they had just woken up from a dream, but they took every step with trepidation.

Su Ziyi looked forward as he walked, his eyes were deep and he couldn't see everything no matter how hard he looked.

When black ghosts spread all over the wasteland, everyone realized how powerful they were. But now, all the ghosts huddled together and turned into a big black ball about ten feet high. They were like strips of black tadpoles, densely packed and occupying all the space, and burrowing in and out like loaches, making people feel numb all over.

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