Chapter 194 - 195

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Chapter 194 Divine Soul Seed

Immediately, Su Ziyi made up his mind.

However, even if he had planned to agree to the other party, Su Ziyi's face did not show any emotion. Instead, he sneered first, and when Heimei thought he was going to be rejected, he slowly said, "What do you want me to do for you?"

"But -"

"Say it in advance, if it's that kind of thing you want me to do, There's no need to say silly things like helping you stand up." Su Ziyi faked a smile, but after laughing, he remembered that the other party couldn't see the expression on his face at all.

But even if he didn't see this expression, Heimei would not say such silly words.

He knew better than anyone else that his blood feud could not be solved by one person or a group of people? Just the old man from the Qian family who had deposed him before was beyond the reach of ordinary forces. So when he heard Su Ziyi's words, Heimei was speechless for a while, then shook his head slightly and explained: "Don't worry... I just... hope... that when... leaving... the water realm... Just take me... out."

Although his breath was weak, his tone was sincere, making people believe him.

But Su Ziyi didn't respond.

Instead, he asked another question: "Is that all?" He looked up and down at Black Eyebrows with suspicion: "In your current situation, even if I take you out, you won't be able to move even an inch, why bother?" He tilted his head, expressing all his doubts, indicating that he thought the other party might have more than this intention.

"I know... you are... worried about... something..." Heimei wanted to explain, but as soon as he opened his mouth, a sense of dizziness arose in his head, and it took him a while to calm down: " Indeed... as soon as I... go out, there is a way... to contact my friends -" As soon as he said these words, two extremely resistant and defensive eyes were shot over from Su Ziyi, who was sitting cross-legged. His legs moved, as if he was ready to leave.

Seeing this, Heimei immediately shouted: "But I swear on my inner demon, as long as you can take me out, I will never reveal your existence to anyone!" Because he was worried that Su Ziyi would leave in a hurry, Heimei said this

again Fast and urgent, without any pause, as if all injuries have been recovered. But the injury was there after all. As soon as he said these words, the affected internal organs immediately came back with revenge. The pain was so painful that he wanted to cough but couldn't. He could only pursing his mouth and "humming" with a white face.

However, his vow did have some effect after all.

Su Ziyi retracted his legs and sat aside with an indifferent expression, watching the black eyebrow slowly recover. Whether it was the pain that made his whole facial features tangled in pain before, or the muscles trembling due to the residual pain later, Su Ziyi didn't interfere, he just looked at it like this. With. When the man completely recovered and could open his mouth to breathe, he said coldly: "Don't talk about inner demons. You know, it's still unknown whether you can continue to practice." "So

, Just plant the soul seeds, that way I can rest assured." What he said was very cruel, and from the perspective of a high-ranking person, he was even very ignorant. So the moment he said it, Heimei's calm mood began to fluctuate, and there was even a hint of coldness in his eyes.

Su Ziyi instantly noticed the other party's resistance and hostility, and stood up immediately.

He looked down at the black eyebrows, and moved his feet out a little bit. At the same time, his whole body was tense, and the long sword and thunder talisman was clasped in his hand to prevent the opponent from being defeated.

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