Chapter 31 - 32

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Chapter 31 Spell Practice [Enter the competition to ask for branches]

The next moment Su Ziyi held it, Su Yulang saw that the originally bare gray-black vines had grown even thinner strands.

"It has grown - a small vine has grown -" Su Yulang seemed to be dreaming. He looked at Su Ziyi for a while, and then looked at the thin vine that was still growing. His eyes were full of confusion: "Why? Father."

"This is what the spell does." As soon as Su Ziyi stopped his hand, the thin vine returned to its original lifeless appearance.

"You touch it and see." Su Ziyi picked up a leaf from the ground and handed it to Su Yulang. Su Yulang took it without knowing it, rubbed it in his hands, and looked at his father with confusion. The appearance pleased Su Ziyi, who stopped embarrassing him and took the leaves from his hand.

"Look, this is a very simple leaf, right?" The leaf was folded in half between Su Ziyi's thumb and index finger, and then when Su Ziyi exerted force, the leaf was broken along with the veins, and Su Ziyi's hand With a flick, half of the originally upright leaf drooped down, hanging out of the fingers like a broken reed.

"Then -" Su Ziyi focused all his attention on the leaves in his hands. Su Yulang also followed him and focused his gaze on the leaves. He saw that the half of the leaves that were still drooping and the half of the leaves on his palm were wrapped in a blue-red mist, and then unexpectedly. Straighten up little by little without any external force! But in the blink of an eye, it became exactly the same as before it was broken.

"Take a look now." Su Ziyi withdrew his spiritual energy and handed the leaf to Su Yulang.

When Su Yulang heard what he said, he immediately took the leaf over and curiously touched it up and down, and then he was surprised to find that this leaf really looked like it had just fallen! No damage at all! This made him feel extremely surprised. When he raised his head, he looked at Su Ziyi with more reverence in his eyes.

"Your mother-in-law should have told you that our bodies can involuntarily breathe in spiritual energy." Following Su Ziyi's words, Su Yulang nodded. Bian Qing had indeed told him this, and also told him why his father Unlike them, my father can use magic because he has practiced something called mind method.

When Su Yulang said this, Su Ziyi nodded appreciatively.

"Your mother-in-law is right, and you remember it very clearly." Su Ziyi's compliment made Su Yulang push her small chest forward. "It's just that in addition to allowing monks to use spells, the mind method can also speed up the breathing of spiritual energy." Su Ziyi added. He met Su Yulang's eyes and saw that the other person's eyes were full of yearning, which made him swallow subconsciously. Mouth and mouth.

"What if-" Su Ziyi wanted to say something, but when he opened his mouth, he immediately closed it again.

"Huh?" Su Yulang, who didn't hear what his father said, tilted his head in confusion and looked at Su Ziyi.

"Oh, it's nothing." Su Ziyi smiled self-deprecatingly, then rubbed Su Yulang's head and whispered: "I have to go and do some work. There are cakes, water, and story books in the basket. You can sit here. Look, but don't run around, got it? Yulang." "Yeah." The child's voice had a unique softness that made people feel soft-hearted.

Su Ziyi shook his head and shook away the uncomfortable feeling.

What did he just want to say? Yes, he wanted to say that when Su Yulang grew older, he would personally help him groom his body and teach him how to cultivate his mind.

But why did he give up this idea again?

It was because he suddenly remembered that he would always leave. After he left, if this child learned to cultivate his mind, he would inevitably be targeted by outsiders. Since he lacked the ability to protect himself, he might as well not learn. After all, things were going wrong. It's so big that the Su family in Chucheng can't just pretend it didn't happen. Once they are investigated, this child and Bian Qing may not have a good life.

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