Chapter 373 - 374

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Chapter 373 Three people meet up

At this point, Su Ziyi's hanging heart finally fell to the ground.

Now that Bian Qing has broken through to the foundation building, he will continue to be interested in dealing with these black ghosts. However, the moment he turned around, a strange spiritual vibration came from the depths, sweeping the entire battlefield in an instant.

All the black ghosts also stood still at this moment.

But the next second, the black mist on these ghosts suddenly began to roll violently. Before panic appeared on the obviously expressionless faces, their bodies flew up quickly, carrying the sound of wind, floating in the air like the words of Qi Qi, but again Disappeared in an instant because of the disappearance of the black ghost. After a while, the area around Su Ziyi was empty.

After blinking, Su Ziyi looked into the distance and saw a group of dark clouds shrinking rapidly, forming a big black ball at the end of the horizon.

What's going on here?

Before Su Ziyi could catch any clues, a sudden movement broke into his consciousness. When he was distracted for a moment, he found Bian Qing leading Su Yulang towards him with an anxious look on his face. Seeing this, he raised his eyes again and glanced in the direction where the black ghost was retreating, then turned around to find Bian Qing.

After half a cup of tea, the three of them successfully reunited.

As soon as the three of them met, their suppressed emotions couldn't help but fluctuate. The most emotional Su Yulang even had red eyes. Although Bian Qing and Su Ziyi were not at his level, they were happy to see each other doing well and wanted to hug each other right away. But then both parties remembered what the other party had done without consulting them before, and suppressed the excitement again.

It's just that this kind of persistence is too insignificant. After their eyes crossed for just a few breaths, their two hands were held together uncontrollably.

Su Ziyi stretched out his hand to wipe Su Yulang's tears first, and then turned his head to look at Bian Qing. Bian Qing was also staring at him at this moment, and the flashing eyes were full of tenderness that made Su Ziyi couldn't help but feel soft. Therefore, Su Ziyi could only sigh in his heart and said in a slightly tight tone: "Congratulations on establishing the foundation." When he said this, he realized that he was really happy for Bian Qing's breakthrough.

Feeling the relief in Su Ziyi's tone, Bian Qing, who had been frightened and frightened, relaxed his straight shoulders and showed a bright smile to Su Ziyi. Such a smile didn't often appear on his face, so when it first appeared, Su Ziyi was surprised, and then he couldn't help but laugh.

Su Yulang on the side, affected by the harmonious atmosphere between the two, couldn't help but burst into tears and laughed.

This time, all three of them can be said to have narrowly escaped death. Although the process was somewhat painful, the rewards were also huge. Let alone Bian Qing, who has been promoted to the foundation building stage, Su Yulang even touched the barrier of the tenth level of Qi refining with the help of the essence of the five elements. If he goes back and meditates hard, he may be able to break through smoothly.

The seal in Su Ziyi's Qi Sea was caused by the Sword of Yuanxu opening a small hole, and a small stream of pure spiritual power was seeping out from it, nourishing Su Ziyi's muscles and Qi Sea. Under the operation of Yidu, bit by bit it was converted into Su Ziyi's own spiritual power.

It can be said that the gains of the three people this time are not small.

After their emotions calmed down, they calmly talked about the strange thing that had just happened. Although the black ghosts have temporarily retreated, true security will not emerge until they are eliminated. Moreover, the opponent's retreat was so strange that it inevitably made them think more, especially Su Ziyi who was closer.

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