Chapter 56 - 57

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Chapter 56: Teaching the Mind Technique

When he said this, Bian Qing actually had no confidence at all.

As we all know, the cultivation methods on the Qingze continent are almost firmly controlled by aristocratic families. If a monk like him with no foundation or background wants to embark on the path of cultivation, he has only two options. One is to get an opportunity and get the help of an elder. inheritance; the second is to take refuge in the aristocratic family and become a lackey of the aristocratic family.

But obviously, these two points are not applicable to him.

Not to mention how slim the chance of the first method is, the second method is not that simple. After all, for aristocratic families, even a dog must be a valuable dog before they are willing to give out some food. Therefore, unless they can make a great contribution, monks who join a noble family can only be a servant for the rest of their lives.

Therefore, the best and most convenient way for Bian Qing to come to the institute is to let Su Ziyi teach him.

But there is also a very big risk in the middle - because Su Ziyi has been expelled from the Su family. Although his cultivation has not been abolished, he is also expressly prohibited from teaching his mind to others. Once someone from the Su family discovers , then not only Bian Qing himself, but also Su Ziyi, the professor, will be hunted by the Su family until the roots are eradicated.

And in this process, it is not only the Su family of Chucheng that will be hunted. In order to ensure the family's status, other aristocratic families will also join forces to join in and kill all rebels who dare to challenge the aristocratic family's authority. By then, the entire Yuan Kingdom will be like setting up a dragnet, making it impossible for the hunted one to escape.

Therefore, the moment he finished his request, Bian Qing immediately realized that he had been reckless.

Therefore, as soon as he opened his eyes, he saw Su Ziyi's somewhat horrified look. He didn't find it strange, but he couldn't help but feel a thump in his heart, and then he hurriedly explained: "No, I... He didn't know what to say, so he gave up on himself and said, "Just think I'm talking nonsense." After saying that, his straight back straightened up.

"Haha." After hearing what he said, Su Ziyi chuckled. This laughter did not contain any contempt, but was very casual. It was as casual as what he said next, just like the fog in the mountains in the early morning. , blew away: "Yes, why not?"

"What?!" Bian Qing, who had completely given up hope, couldn't believe his ears. He straightened up suddenly and looked at Su Ziyi with wide eyes. Look.

"I said yes." Su Ziyi repeated it. The expression on his face didn't look like he was joking, but Bian Qing's heart was pounding. It was really difficult to convince himself to believe it for a while: "Is it really okay?" Why not?" Su Ziyi dusted his sleeves and said disapprovingly: "I know what you are worried about, but will you tell it?" "No." Bian Qing answered him without any thought at all

. Then he shook his head in hindsight, wouldn't he be stupid if he still exposed his inner skills after learning them? Su Ziyi will certainly be in trouble by then, but he will never survive.

"That's it." Su Ziyi stood up, stretched his waist, and then looked sideways at Bian Qing: "Cultivation of the mind method is indeed very strange, but in my heart, I don't take it so seriously." He said To be honest, although he has been trying to integrate into this world, it has not been long enough, so his sense of integration is only barely there. Although he knows that this mental method cannot be spread randomly, he does not take this matter very seriously.

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