Chapter 267 - 268

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Chapter 267 Weird White Insect

"We found signs that our cultivation has improved again!" Bian Qing said with excitement in his eyes, and Su Yulang on the side had the same expression.

Su Ziyi was also very surprised by this.

As soon as he stretched out his hand, he circulated the spiritual power in Bian Qing's body for a small week, and then Su Yulang did the same. It turned out that it was true as the two of them said. Their cultivation level, which they had just been promoted to, had once again advanced a little, and there were faint signs of opening up the next acupuncture point!

This is how the same thing?

Su Ziyi pondered.

He took back the Jiamu Essence from Bian Qing, wondering if there would be a problem with the Jiamu Essence? But the two of them didn't have an epiphany, it didn't look like them. Moreover, he himself has used the essence of armor and wood before, and knows that if the essence of armor and wood is really used for cultivation, it will never allow Bian Qing and Su Yulang to improve just a little bit, at least to the first level of cultivation.


after speculation, Su Ziyi also activated Qing Ling Gui Yi Jue, letting the spiritual power circulate in his body for a small week, and then he was surprised to find that the sea of ​​​​qi in his Dantian seemed to have changed a little? It's just that there aren't too many changes. If you don't explore carefully, it's really difficult to find.

At this time, Su Ziyi was absolutely sure that their growth in strength had nothing to do with the essence of Jiamu.

If so, what does it have to do with?

A sudden idea struck his mind, and Su Ziyi's eyes seemed to be glowing as he looked towards the exit of the passage. Even though all he saw was darkness, his whole heart was burning at the moment.

It’s a nightmare floral scent!

How could he forget the function of Granny Weng’s residual prescription? Since the nightmare flower can appear in the prescription, it means that it must promote the efficacy of the medicine, otherwise it would not be written in it. And judging from the current situation, I am afraid that the nightmare flower plays a big role in this elixir, and may even be one of the main medicines!

How could this make Su Ziyi not excited?

Bian Qing and Su Yulang couldn't help but be curious when they saw his face turn red. When Su Ziyi told them his guess, they immediately became excited.

Afterwards, the three of them rested on the spot for most of the day, solving most of the remaining problems in their bodies, and then walked back to the return road.

Returning to the nightmare flower sea again, this time the three people's mood was different from that of worthiness. Looking at these charming flowers was like seeing a treasure. Under the leadership of Su Ziyi, each of them swallowed a piece of nightmare flower root, and then fell into the sea of ​​nightmare flowers and began to pick nightmare flowers.

By the time they left the sea of ​​nightmare flowers and emerged from the deep ditch, it was already the next day.

Although they each suffered a lot during this trip, they gained a lot, so they were all in a good mood. However, this good mood disappeared when they encountered the first skeleton lying on the ground.

"This is..." Looking at this forest-white skeleton wearing complete clothes, Bian Qing felt familiar no matter how he looked at it.

"They are exactly the same as the two dead followers next to An Shulin." Su Ziyi has a good memory, and he woke up Bian Qing and Su Yulang who were still a little confused with one sentence, causing them to exclaim: "Indeed, they are really the same. Yes! But what's going on?" They didn't remember anyone else being killed by Su Ziyi except An Shulin and the other three.

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