Chapter 309 - 310

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Chapter 309 Three consecutive games

Although I can't say it's a particularly good move, it is still effective in a short period of time.

The confrontation between her and Su Yulang started from the middle of the stage to the other end of the stage, fighting and retreating, trying to turn to another direction along the edge of the stage, without giving Su Yulang a chance to attack her from behind.

This time, the situation was really deadlocked by her.

But that didn't last long. Su Yulang was not lacking in vision and cultivation. The only thing he lacked was experience. Therefore, after being dragged down by the opponent for nearly half a stick of incense, he had already mastered the female cultivator's methods and decisively gave up on continuing this useless confrontation with the opponent. , immediately held the whip and jumped back.

As soon as he pushed, the pressure on the gun in the female cultivator's hand was reduced, which immediately caused some mistakes in her actions. Su Yulang took the opportunity to sweep the floor with his long legs, and swung the whip in his hand at the ground. , which rushed into the gap between the spear and the ground. Although he didn't hit the female cultivator exactly, it completely destroyed the female cultivator's defensive rhythm.

Once this rhythm is disrupted, the situation is completely broken.

Su Yulang's attacks were not as clever as others', but rather a bit aggressive. When the opponent is weak, he is strong. When the opponent is strong, his attitude and attack are tougher than the opponent's. So after he catches the opponent's flaw, he attacks without stopping for a moment, making the female cultivator more and more stressed. As he got bigger, his body started to retreat under the stage.

This time, she really tricked herself.

No matter how much the female cultivator complained in her heart, Su Yulang still rushed forward at an even faster speed. At this moment, his whole person's state was completely up, and every part of his body had been activated. His ears were listening to all directions, and his eyes were looking in all directions. He relied on his spiritual consciousness to continuously push back the female cultivator and compress the space for her activities.

Finally, with another volley from Su Yulang, the fierce whip wind directly hit the female cultivator's wrist, making it impossible for the female cultivator to hold the spear, and she was defeated.

In this battle, Su Yulang maintained his position as champion.

After the female cultivator was pulled from the ring, the entire ring was silent. No one expected that Su Yulang not only seemed to have higher cultivation than them, but also his methods should not be underestimated. Suddenly, those who were still in the audience couldn't help but secretly exchange glances, not knowing what they were communicating.

The battle with the female cultivator consumed Su Yulang a lot, so after the referee announced that he had won, he immediately took out a Qi-enhancing pill and drank it. He sat cross-legged and meditated while calming down his breathing and recovering. While waiting for the next attacker to come up.

Below, the eye contact between the group of people finally came to fruition.

The person who came up this time was not the one who delivered food at the first or second level of Qi Refining, nor was he the strongest one, but another practitioner at the fourth level of Qi Refining. However, compared to the female cultivator just now, she was still A little bit more powerful.

Seeing the man on stage quarreling with the people below, Su Ziyi's eyes dimmed.

Su Yulang on the stage didn't care about this. After he felt the person coming up, he immediately opened his eyes and looked at the man who was two times his size with a fearless expression. Before the other party could express anything, he put one hand on the ground and stood up holding the whip. His breathing was slow, and except for his face, which was a little red, he couldn't see anything wrong.

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