Chapter 347 - 348

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Chapter 347 The Secret of the Tomb

Su Ziyi was startled.

The next moment, he took a step back with his left foot first and saluted with a stern look on his face: "Fellow Daoist Zhu." Xia Zheng had already left, and now only Zhu Lian was left here.

The corners of Zhu Lian's mouth raised higher, and his eyes flickered. He looked at Su Ziyi as if he was looking at something strange. It made Su Ziyi feel embarrassed, but when he thought about what he had done to the grave, he immediately forced the discomfort back, hiding it in his heart and not showing it on his face.

I don't know what to do now.

After being silent for a long time, staring at the person for a long time, until he saw that Su Ziyi was almost unable to hold on and wanted to look away, the gentle and elegant Zhu Lian showed an unprecedented look of successful prank on his face, which made Su Ziyi feel all over. The air relaxed and a stiff smile appeared on his face.

"Fellow Daoist Zhu."

This time Zhu Lian no longer pretended to be profound. He snorted and said with a smile: "I thought I could scare Fellow Daoist Su just now." After saying this, he jumped up and walked away from One or two feet away from Su Ziyi, he retreated to more than ten feet away, and retreated several times in a row until he retreated to the middle of the tomb. From Su Ziyi's point of view, the person had become a smaller person. .

It was also at this point that Su Ziyi keenly discovered that Zhu Lian's body had been tense before. When he was away from him, his body slowly relaxed, and his back became more naturally straight.

Without thinking much, Su Ziyi also followed.

Only when he moved did he realize that something was wrong with the atmosphere in the entire tomb. As soon as he stepped on the black stone, his body shot out like a sharp arrow. He suddenly felt that the restraints around him became smaller. When he realized it carefully, he figured out that the true meaning of the broken weapons around him was confused.

Suddenly, he staggered and almost fell.

Isn't this also because of him?

Su Ziyi was in a state of confusion and stopped in front of Zhu Lian. Only then did he realize that Zhu Lian was a little uncomfortable before, and now there were still some small beads of sweat on the tip of his nose.

Perhaps his gaze was too intense, but Zhu Lian noticed it in the blink of an eye. He smiled teasingly and said, "Not to mention the true meaning of the Four Sacred Stones, even the broken devices further down are a bit overwhelming."

"Four Sacred Stones?" Su Ziyi's heart trembled when he heard this unfamiliar term. Suddenly I had

a bad suspicion.

Sure enough -

"Yes." Zhu Lian paused and looked at Su Ziyi with a half-smile but not a smile: "But now it has become the Three Saint Stones." He turned his head and looked down, and Su Ziyi also looked down. After passing by, I heard someone in my ear say: "The holy stone that originally held the Sword of Yuanxu has completely turned into fine sand, and the broken sword has disappeared." Beside the magma pool, four huge rocks were just There were three pieces left, and the missing piece was empty, leaving only the fine gray-black sand on the ground, silently testifying to Zhu Lian's words.

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