Chapter 33 - 34 + 35

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Chapter 33 Young Master Xiang [Enter to ask for branches]

After a roar, no one stopped.

Su Yulang still had his eyes closed, and his heart was beating like a small drum crazily. The sound of the drum even made his ears numb. He didn't dare to open his eyes for a long time after shouting this, until a touch of warmth covered the back of his head.

"Hey -" Su Ziyi sighed helplessly as he stroked the back of Su Yulang's head with his palm.

He never expected that Su Yulang's shout with all his strength would break his voice to the point of losing his voice? Although he and Bian Qing could see that the child was really shouting with all his strength, pedestrians on the road could not hear him. This made Su Ziyi feel funny and a little sad. This child was still too timid and too nervous.

"Father..." As soon as Su Ziyi put his palm over his face, Su Yulang started to burst into tears. Then he didn't even look up and threw himself into Su Yulang's arms, his little face burning badly.

"Yes, I'm here." Su Ziyi bent down slightly, patted Su Yulang's back gently, and waited for the other person to calm down.

After a while, Su Yulang calmed down, and was shocked to realize that his behavior just now was a bit embarrassing, which made him even more unwilling to stick his head out, and even buried it in Su Ziyi's arms. Such quail-like behavior made Su Ziyi and Su Yulang laugh. Bian Qing and two people came over.

"Little brother Su!" Just when Su Ziyi was thinking about comforting Su Yulang again, a familiar male voice sounded in front of him. He looked over and saw Xiang Zuo standing in front of their stall with a boy. "To the housekeeper—" Su Ziyi quickly let go of Su Yulang and raised his hand to the left with a question mark.

The boy next to Xiang Zuo had a lot of things in his hands, but they were either bamboo dragonflies, masks, or snacks. It didn't look like he was out to buy them. But when Su Ziyi thought about it, someone as tall as Xiang Fu A large household should have specialized purchasing. How could it be possible for a housekeeper like Xiang Zuo to do such a thing?

"I saw you from a long way away, who are you?" Xiang Zuo also said hello to Bian Qing. After Bian Qing returned the greeting, his eyes fell on the bamboo basket on the stall, and his eyebrows were raised unconsciously. Pick: "Chestnut?" "Hmm -" Facing Xiang Zuo's question, Su Ziyi was neither humble nor overbearing. He straightened his back and touched Su Yulang's head. The child was still holding his thigh: "The child wants to try it. If you sell things by yourself, why don't you let him come out and practice."

"Haha——" After hearing Su Ziyi's words, Xiang Zuo laughed heartily. The three people of the Su family are really interesting: "Brother Su is really Enlightenment."

"What's the big deal?" Su Ziyi said politely, his eyes resting on the boy for a few seconds: "What is Butler Xiang doing today?" "Oh -" Xiang Zuo's gaze followed Su Ziyi to the boy. body, and then smiled helplessly: "I went shopping with the young master at home, and I bought so much without knowing it." Su Ziyi is not a person who doesn't know how to look at faces, and he can tell at a glance that this

young master is probably a He has a naughty temperament, but as a servant of the Xiang family, Xiang Zuo should speak less of what is on his mind.

And Su Ziyi knew it was interesting and didn't plan to ask anymore.

But sometimes things will be over if you don’t ask. Before Su Ziyi could say a few polite words to Xiang Zuo, a chubby child rushed over and bumped into Xiang Zuo. Pulling the left hem of his clothes and standing up straight, he asked with a reproach: "Butler Xiang, why didn't you catch up? There was an interesting little monkey just now. Just because you didn't catch up, I couldn't buy it." This

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