Chapter 76 - 77

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Chapter 76 The cry in the middle of the night

For Su Ziyi, it was his first time to spend the night in the mountains.

Although he didn't know how experienced people usually do it, based on his own intuition, Su Ziyi chose a relatively high and stable river beach as a place to stay, and then surrounded a bonfire with gravel and raised it early. into flames.

When the sun was completely setting, he had even begun roasting a hare. The hare was something he randomly hunted in the mountains, just to replenish the energy he had consumed throughout the day. However, it was precisely because he saw that there were more traces of small animal activities in this area that Su Ziyi truly felt relieved to set up camp here.

"Crack, crackle -"

It gets dark very quickly, and after dark, there are no noisy cicadas in the mountains in summer, only the sound of splashing water, which is very quiet. With the bright stars above his head, Su Ziyi suddenly felt a little unaccustomed to the sound of burning firewood, and even began to think of Bian Qing and Su Yulang in his heart.

By this time, they should have finished dinner.

Although he was a little uncomfortable, Su Ziyi did not lose consciousness for too long. Instead, he quickly woke up. After neatly tidying up his surroundings, he sat cross-legged and meditated on the spot. He didn't plan to sleep tonight. After all, this was in the mountains, and accidents could happen at any time. It was not a good place to relax.

He didn't know whether it was because of the bright stars tonight or because he was deep in the mountains, but Su Ziyi intuitively felt that the spiritual energy around him was stronger than in the village. This boosted his spirits, and he soon devoted himself wholeheartedly to his practice, and the spiritual energy in his veins became thicker and richer.

The so-called Qi refining period is actually just the stage when monks open up their tendons and acupoints.

People in the Qingze Continent, as long as they have spiritual roots, will naturally absorb spiritual energy from all around them. Even if they do not practice mental skills and cannot practice, they will still have a certain level of cultivation. Although they cannot use spells, their bodies and lifespans will indeed be affected. Many times stronger than ordinary people. This is different from what Su Ziyi saw on Earth before, but Su Ziyi guessed it was because there was no spiritual energy on Earth. If there was, maybe everyone could practice it.

And in the middle, the difference between people with spiritual roots and mortals lies in the fact that spiritual energy changes their muscles and flesh.

At the beginning, when Su Ziyi taught Bian Qing and Su Yulang the mental cultivation method, he used spiritual energy to detect it in their bodies. All the spiritual energy absorbed from birth to the present has been piled up in the muscles, veins and flesh. This has improved the toughness and strength of the muscles, veins, flesh and blood. However, because there is no cultivation method to open up the acupuncture points in the body, these spiritual energy are like It is like a dead thing that is blocked in the tendons and cannot have any real effect.

Therefore, the purpose of the twelve-level Qi refining period is to allow the cultivator to open up the acupuncture points in the body, so that the originally lifeless acupoints can store spiritual energy, greatly improving the physical strength of the cultivator, and at the same time allowing the entire body to The acupoints in the body are truly connected with the tendons and meridians, forming a complete spiritual energy dredging cycle.

And the opening of this acupoint is also very particular.

There are a total of 720 acupoints in the human body, of which 36 are "dead points". The reason why the method of cultivating the mind is highly praised is that once the practitioner masters it, he can activate these thirty-six weak points and form the simplest spiritual energy circulation cycle in the body to achieve the purpose of introducing energy into the body.

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