Chapter 171 - 172

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Chapter 171 The Essence of Wutu

"Guchi" - "Guchi" - "Pa!"

"Ah, cut -" He shivered like a cold, and subconsciously took a breath, but he didn't expect to use too much force, and directly condensed a lump in the The mud that was ready to go was sucked in, causing Su Ziyi to sneeze, and his consciousness began to dimly return.

what happened to him?

His mind was still dizzy. When he moved his eyelids, he felt that there was something heavy on his eyelids and he couldn't open them. His body and limbs were also terribly heavy. There was a force of suction that could not be ignored from behind, which made Su Ziyi feel sore and numb in his back. It was so unbearable that it was difficult to move. Under such circumstances, he continued to lie paralyzed on the ground for a long time.

After a while, all his consciousness returned completely and he remembered everything.

And at the moment when the memory came back to his mind, a cold shock instantly woke him up. He suddenly jumped up from the ground, but he didn't expect that the degree of soreness in his body was worse than he thought. As soon as he lifted his body He slumped back less than an inch higher and made an exaggerated "snap" sound.

Only then did he realize that the touch under his hands was soft and his body was also sticky.

This made his mind go blank for a moment. He rested his two elbows on the ground, and the hands on his abdomen trembled slightly and slowly started to move up from touching his body, but everything he touched was sticky, and even felt sticky due to the touch of his palms. It rubbed against his hand and was covered in a thick layer.

It wasn't until he touched his face and covered his eyes that he couldn't open that his panicked heart finally calmed down.

His index finger turned directly into a hook. Although it was not very strong, it was still inserted into the layer of stuff wrapped around his face. Then he picked the stuff hard and dug it down his face, making his heavy eyelids feel a little cold. wind. This encouraged him, and he hooked up all four fingers of his hands and randomly pulled off the layer of things on his face.

After picking away everything stuck to his eyelids, Su Ziyi could finally open his eyes and take a good look at where he was.

But when he opened his eyes, it was like seeing the stars in the evening. There were a few bright stars mixed in the gray and blue sky, making people realize that night was coming. Su Ziyi thought so at first, but then he realized that if it was true, the sky shouldn't be so close. So after blinking and focusing his eyes, he could see clearly the shining stars. It's just the light refracted by the water droplets hanging overhead.

And the place where these stars hang is no other place, it is a dome built by countless blood-threaded channel worms.

There are countless small water droplets hanging on their bodies. As they squirm, those small water droplets reflect bright light, like moving stars; or they fall directly due to scratching and turn into a shadowless meteor shower. Disappeared in this space completely filled with brown light. After blinking, Su Ziyi felt something cold on his cheek. After touching it, he realized that the water droplets on it had fallen onto his face.

So, did you survive?

Su Ziyi could no longer remember how he survived the attack of the foundation-building ghost. He only knew that his body was terribly empty, with almost no spiritual power, like a mortal. His overly sore muscles made it difficult for him to stand up, so he turned his head and looked towards the light source, and this sight made him feel mixed emotions.

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