Chapter 231 - 232

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Chapter 231 I’m afraid you sick

Xuerong Dan is an upgraded version of Qi Yi Dan.

With the improvement of cultivation level, it is obvious that the second-grade elixir Qi-Yi Dan cannot meet the needs of cultivators. Therefore, smart alchemists changed the recipe and refining method of Qi-Yi Dan and developed the Qi-Yi Dan. Xuelong Dan is a fifth-grade high-level elixir that can also be used by late-stage practitioners.

The cost of Snow Melt Pill is not necessarily cheap, but it must be one of the pills that every foundation-building practitioner needs to prepare.

Therefore, even if it were not for this auction, Su Ziyi would put the refining of Xuerong Dan on the agenda as soon as possible. After all, the opening time of the Water Swamp Realm would be soon.

While Su Ziyi was busy refining the elixir, more and more people poured into Qixia Town.

These people come from all over the Yuan Kingdom, including casual cultivators and people from aristocratic families, but no matter who they are, after entering Qixia Town, they will walk around the town to see if there is anything worth buying.

During this visit, some people visited Sujiadanfang.

The location of Sujiadanfang is not good. Not only is it not in the West City, it is also located a few streets away from the main street. If someone hadn't gone there specifically, they wouldn't have discovered its existence. But before the auction started, there were too many idle people, so even if the Sujia Danfang was deserted on weekdays, there were still many guests at this time.

When most people first came in, they looked up and saw the shelves full of elixirs of many types. They immediately felt happy. But when they asked about the price, they found it was 20 to 30% higher than other shops, and they immediately thought of giving up. , turned around and left. Only a small number of people asked Bian Qing to take the elixir and put it on the counter to examine it carefully because they suspected that Sujia Danfang was cheating money.

And at this glance, someone who knows the goods will immediately see the clue.

Su Ziyi is already a fifth-grade alchemist. Even though he has not refined third-grade elixirs for a long time, the quality of the elixirs left in the store are at least top-grade. Not to mention the efficacy, they are just round and shiny. The appearance makes people like it. This is not to mention the third-grade elixirs that Su Ziyi refined during his recent training. They are all of the highest quality, so how could they be so cheap?

Without any hesitation, this group of people took out the money in their pockets and bought as many elixirs as possible.

What's more, after returning to his place of stay, he shared his discovery with those close to him, and immediately brought another group of guests to Sujiadanfang. The elixirs that Sujia Danfang planned to sell for half a year were all sold out in less than ten days. Bian Qing and Su Yulang had to temporarily close the store to stop the steady stream of cultivators who came to buy elixirs. them.

"This is the first time I have encountered such a situation." After closing the store door, Su Yulang patted his heart with his little hand and said with lingering fear: "I just said that the elixir refined by my father is so good, why are there so few customers? , It turns out that the previous customers were ignorant." He wrinkled his little nose, looking a bit cute.

"Your father didn't intend to make money from ordinary cultivators." Looking at his actions, Bian Qing shook his head with a smile: "Qixia Town has many powerful forces, and the number of alchemy workshops is quite large. Our alchemy workshop is also Your father is the only one who refines elixirs. No matter the power behind him or the quantity of elixirs, he can't compare with those shops, so he didn't plan to make a lot of money from this in the beginning." "Then why did my father open a shop?" Su Yulang was puzzled.

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