Chapter 25 - 26

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Chapter 25 Visiting Xiangzuo [Enter for Zhizhi]

After arriving in Shuiyun Town, Su Ziyi and Bian Qing first bought all the things they wanted to buy, and then the family of three went to the left carrying gifts.

When Xiang Zuo left last time, he told Su Ziyi that if he wanted to find him, he could just go to Xiang Mansion to find him. Shuiyun Town is not a particularly big town, so after asking around casually, the three of them quickly found Xiang Mansion.

Standing at the door of Xiang Mansion, Su Yulang couldn't help but exclaimed "What a big house", but Su Ziyi and the other two had no fluctuations in their hearts.

Because Shuiyun Town is just a town after all, no matter how rich Xiang Fu is, the houses he can buy in the town are just like that, and it is impossible to exceed them much. As for Su Ziyi, one is the young master of the Su family and the other is a servant of the aristocratic family. The houses they have seen are many times larger than the one in front of them, not to mention how luxuriously they are repaired.

But those are the past after all, and as time goes by, those things that do not belong to them have been slowly faded away in their memory, and finally become only a vague image fragment.

The gatekeeper of Xiang Mansion did not have a "dog fighting against the power of others" as described in Mandarin textbooks. He asked the three people standing at the door of Xiang Mansion in a good manner, and then after Su Ziyi told the purpose of visiting Butler Xiang, he enthusiastically They came in and sent another boy to quickly find the housekeeper.

Therefore, within a short while, the three people from the Su family met Xiang Zuo.

"Butler Xiang, excuse me." Su Ziyi imitated the people here and gave Xiang Zuo a hand-over salute, and Bian Qing behind him did the same, while Xiang Zuo returned the hand-over salute to both of them, and said enthusiastically: " Brother Su, Brother Bian, hello. I've been waiting for you for a long time! I thought that after that time, you would come to me for a drink soon." "Sorry, my family is building a new house and I can't get away, so I have

been I didn't have time to visit." Su Ziyi said apologetically.

"Building a new house? That's a big deal, and it really needs to be well planned." Xiang Zuo knew a lot about these chores. He saw that the concierge was not a good place to talk, so he led the three of them directly to his residence, while still looking concerned. Asked: "Then it should have been built now, has the banquet in the greenhouse been organized?" "

Uh-" Su Ziyi was stuck on this question. He and Bian Qing really couldn't organize this banquet. On the one hand, the two of them were not very familiar with each other. They knew this so they didn't do it. On the other hand, it was because they didn't have anyone to hire. So, after moving to the new home yesterday, just a few members of the family gathered together to have a good meal. "I didn't think about it, so I just made do." He thought about it before saying.

What a genius Xiang Zuo! He saw the problem at a glance, so he didn't continue to dwell on it, so as not to embarrass Su Ziyi and the other two. With a smile on his face: "That's okay, it's very convenient. But I still have to go find Su Ziyi another day. Brother, if you ask for this drink, don’t fail to welcome me when the time comes." "If it happens

anywhere, we will definitely sweep the bed and wait for you." In this kind of situation, Su Ziyi also came up with words at his fingertips, while Bian Qing, who was following him, remained silent. He was silent, but his straight waist and calm expression on his face made him look extremely majestic. The young Su Yulang looked at the exquisite decoration of Xiang Mansion with some curiosity, and his eyes widened when he saw the incredible place.

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