Chapter 64 - 65

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Chapter 64 Condensing the Fire of the Heart

"Yes, that's right, that's how it's done." Dr. Li said with satisfaction as he inserted his fingers into the medicine grinder and pinched the fine powder.

"You can crush the Poria Goddess later." Dr. Li straightened up and said to Su Ziyi, who was picking through the herbs: "Elixirs are different from prescriptions. Prescriptions can be boiled into juice, and pills can be boiled into juice. Medicines can only be condensed into elixirs, so we can only crush them before using them."

"Can't they be refined with spiritual energy?" Su Ziyi asked in confusion.

After all, in the ones he had seen before, the protagonists directly threw the spiritual grass into the medicine furnace, and the spiritual energy was taken to refine the spiritual grass into elixir. If the protagonist had another strange fire, the efficiency would be even more Improved exponentially. The whole process was as smooth as clouds and water, and it looked quite stylish, not at all like the humiliating way they have to use a medicinal roller now.

"You are only at the sixth level of Qi Refining, what are you daydreaming about?" Having been with Su Ziyi for more than two months, Doctor Li has now fully understood Su Ziyi's personality and knows that the young man in front of him is nothing like him. He was no longer as rebellious as before, and he even had a high tolerance for the people around him, so he was no longer afraid of Su Ziyi, and even made little jokes with Su Ziyi from time to time.

"If you want to use spiritual energy to extract the ingredients in the spiritual grass and refine it into a pill, you first need to condense your inner fire in the dantian." He rolled his eyes at Su Ziyi: "But you need to condense your inner fire. To create a physical entity and be able to actually use it to make alchemy, a monk needs at least the strength of the fourth level of Qi refining." After saying

this, he sighed: "And even if you can condense the inner fire, if the strength is too low, , the inner fire is not enough to support you to complete the refining of a pill, and even the complete refining of a spiritual grass is a bit choked." He glanced at Su Ziyi: "With your current strength at the sixth level of Qi refining, if To condense the inner fire, the inner fire is probably only the size of a fist." "

So, even foundation-building monks often have to rely on external forces to complete the refining of the elixir." He walked to the bookshelf, where Rows of old books with rough edges were flipped through: "Other than that, even if your strength is high enough. But if your consciousness is not sensitive enough, and your control of the heart fire and aura is not detailed enough, then when you perform elixir When refining medicine or extracting spiritual herbs, it is easy to go wrong and ruin the whole batch of medicine."

"You -" Dr. Li rummaged through several books, but failed to find what he was looking for, so he took those books again. The book was stuffed back on the shelf: "Learn these basics now. When your strength reaches that level one day, you can think about these things again." After saying that, he ignored Su Ziyi. Seriously find what you are looking for.

After hearing what Dr. Li said, Su Ziyi did not feel angry. Instead, he smiled slightly because of his previous thoughts. Sure enough, there was a big difference between what he imagined and what he thought in reality.

He shook his head, no longer thinking about those random things, and concentrated on handling the herbs in his hands.

Since the last time he delivered the medicine furnace and spiritual herbs to the housekeeper, Su Ziyi has officially started learning alchemy from Doctor Li. But because he had just started, he only helped Doctor Li as a starter. However, it was just a help, which also benefited him a lot and learned a lot of ways to deal with spiritual herbs and medicinal herbs.

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