Chapter 211 - 212

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Chapter 211 Bian Qing is injured

As soon as the venom of the Demon Swamp Frog stuck to their skin, the two of them immediately bit off the antidote pills they had placed in their mouths.

With the advancement of Su Ziyi's alchemy skills, the detoxification pills he refined have long been out of the ordinary. As soon as it fell into the stomach, it immediately turned into a warm current, flowing directly to the wound, driving out the venom that penetrated into the blood, so that the actions of Bian Qing and the two were not affected.

Su Ziyi, who saw this scene in his eyes, also knew that this was reaching their limit, so he stopped putting the Demon Swamp Frog in it.

To be fair, Su Ziyi felt heartbroken when he saw them injured. But he knew that if he took action at this time, or allowed them to slowly grind with the monsters in their comfort zone, then this experience would lose its meaning. So even though he was very worried, in the end he just stood aside and watched silently without taking any action.

Bian Qing and his two men knew that Su Ziyi had let Su Ziyi in, and they understood his intention immediately. He just understood, but his strength was there. Soon, Su Yulang's shoulder was sprayed by the venom of the Demon Swamp Frog, and he lost most of his combat effectiveness in an instant.

Bian Qing, who had been paying some attention to Su Yulang, suddenly panicked.

But fortunately, Su Ziyi took action at this time. He directly pinned the Demon Swamp Frog that was chasing Su Yulang to the spot with a spiritual blade, and then walked to him while protecting Su Yulang. When Su Yulang closed his eyes and meditated to remove toxins, he also sat cross-legged and input his spiritual power into Su Yulang's body to help him remove toxins faster.

This made Bian Qing feel relieved instantly.

But Su Yulang withdrew, and his own bad situation did not improve much.

Originally, these Demon Swamp Frogs were a little afraid of Su Ziyi, but Su Ziyi kept suppressing his momentum and never took action, giving them an illusion and allowing them to charge forward boldly. But now, they couldn't go back. The Demon Marsh Frog, who was isolated from Bian Qing's fighting circle by Su Ziyi, turned around and wanted to run away, but was directly suppressed by the opponent's sword energy and couldn't move, causing him to be in the fighting circle. The Demon Swamp Frog became more and more anxious.

They also wanted to run away, but as soon as they left Bian Qing's surroundings, they were immediately driven back by Su Ziyi's spiritual energy blade. As soon as they returned, they were immediately entangled by Bian Qing, and their heads were huge for a while. In the end, when one of them injured Su Yulang and was killed by Su Ziyi with one blow, they realized that there was no going back today. This made their eyes turn red instantly and they began to attack Bian Qing desperately.

In an instant, the pressure on Bian Qing doubled.

The Demon Swamp Frog's attacks were becoming more and more desperate, and Bian Qing, who only had a whip and the sixth level of Qi Refining, was finding it increasingly difficult to deal with it. If Su Ziyi hadn't taken action to deal with one again, he would have probably Just like Su Yulang. But even so, the remaining three gave him enough suffering. His tongue was full of the taste of elixirs, and there were even small spots of venom on his body.

When the brain of the last demon swamp frog was beaten directly by him with a whip, the spiritual power in his body was severely exhausted, and he felt dizzy just standing there.

He simply couldn't imagine what would happen to him today if he didn't have enough detoxifying pills and replenishing qi pills.

Su Ziyi, who had been watching the battle from the sidelines, was already extremely anxious. He saw more and more black poisonous spots on Bian Qing's body and wanted to step forward to help Bian Qing several times. But every time he was about to make a move, Bian Qing gritted his teeth and fought hard to stop him... Bian Qing was still working hard. He thought he could still hold on and didn't need his help... This kind of thinking is similar

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