Chapter 329 - 330

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Chapter 329 The final ends

To be fair, the conditions offered by Cui Yu are still very exciting.

However, Su Ziyi knows that there is never a free lunch in this world. If you want to get something, you must pay something first. Therefore, no matter how touching what Cui Yu said, he still had doubts in his heart.

However, this is indeed a good opportunity for Bian Qing and Su Yulang.

His eyes turned to Bian Qing and Su Yulang. At this moment, the two of them were still frowning, but the twinkling eyes had revealed their inner thoughts, making Su Ziyi make up his mind.

"Okay." He nodded towards Cui Yu.

"Seriously?" Cui Yu was overjoyed, while Bian Qing and Su Yulang next to him were stunned and looked over in disbelief. But when they looked at Su Ziyi, they immediately understood what the other party meant and knew that Su Ziyi was here because of them. Promised. Suddenly, there were some unexplainable emotions in his eyes.

"Of course." Su Ziyi turned his head and said sternly to Cui Yu: "Of course you can't be polite about this kind of thing." Although it only lasted a moment, Su Ziyi had already thought about this matter deeply. Unlike him who got all of Zi Yi's inheritance, Bian Qing and Su Yulang got nothing else from him except the Qing Ling Gui Yi Jue cultivation method, such as spells and weapons.

Although Qing Ling Gui Yi Jue is very powerful, it is only a method. Methods without means are not enough, so it is very important to find a place for Bian Qing and Su Yulang to learn these things.

This is also the reason why Su Ziyi was tempted by Cui Yu's proposal.

"That's really wonderful." Cui Yu smiled while stroking his hands. Although he had not known the Su family for a long time, he intuitively felt that although the other person was not a kind person, he was definitely not a bad person. In this way, he had the ability to judge the limits of things, and the most important person was their Xuan Cang Sect. Appreciative people. Moreover, Su Ziyi also has good alchemy skills to draw the other party to their Xuan Cang Sect, which will definitely bring more advantages than disadvantages.

As for anyone else who disagrees?

Cui Yu never thought about it so much, because the person who asked him to mention the guest matter to Su Ziyi this time was his uncle Zhu Lian. And regarding his uncle's proposal, his master Xia Zheng, who disliked the Su family the most, didn't say anything against it. He just snorted twice, which he probably didn't mean to object.

Therefore, at this moment, Su Ziyi agreed to his proposal, and the stone hanging in his heart quietly fell.

Next, Cui Yu discussed the following matters with them. At present, the competition has not yet been completed, so it is not a good time for Bian Qing and others to join the sect. Everything must wait until the competition is over before joining the other people who were selected. As for Su Ziyi, it's simple. He can take some time to go with Cui Yu to meet the head of the Xuan Cang Sect and register.

In this regard, Su Ziyi promised Cui Yu to go to Xuan Cang Sect with him after the finals of the foundation building competition.

Cui Yuda achieved his purpose of coming to Su's house this time, so as soon as he left Su's house, his whole face was filled with a smile. Out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of those people who were still secretly observing the Su family. He couldn't help but calm down the expression on his face, coughed twice, and pressed forward with all his power. In an instant, there was There were two muffled sounds.

On the second day, the final between Ou Wang and Cang Ming began.

Although Su Ziyi's injury was not healed, he followed Bian Qing and the others to the venue after realizing that he was fine. Although Cang Ming had never fought against him, he had seen him take action before and knew that the opponent would definitely not be able to defeat Ou Wang. But even so, he still wanted to see what it would be like when these two people clashed.

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