Chapter 243 - 244

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Chapter 243: Spread without trace

On the fifth day of September, the miasma in the middle layer was stronger than Su Ziyi thought.

Holding the key to the water realm in one hand, the three members of the Su family held hands tightly and walked forward in the direction pointed by the white line, disappearing into the depths of the miasma without anyone noticing.

When they left, the miasma behind them rolled like a pot of boiling water.

Bian Qing and Su Yulang were a little uneasy, so they followed Su Ziyi closely along the way. Su Yulang even kept his body close to Su Ziyi's body, for fear that he would be lost with his father if he didn't pay attention.

But fortunately, until the miasma in front of him completely dissipated, he never left Su Ziyi an inch away.

The miasma that blocked their sight disappeared, and Bian Qing and his two men breathed a sigh of relief due to the real sense of vision. However, only half of the breath was released, and the other half was held back by the scenery before them.

Because they had never seen such a magnificent and desolate scenery, even the lake that they had praised repeatedly before was not worth mentioning in front of this.

I saw that from the feet to the connection between the sky and the earth, there was a well-proportioned and strong black, with a rough and hard aura, rejecting the steps of those with weak hearts. And above it, only the hollow stone mountains that have been polished by thousands of years of strong winds are qualified to stand here, and the delicate weeds and wild flowers are simply not qualified to survive here.

Such a scenery is difficult for even the best storybook writers to describe its charm with pen and ink, let alone them who lack vocabulary?

Therefore, standing here, Bian Qing and Su Yulang only felt that they were insignificant and could not help but raise their shoulders to reduce their sense of existence.

But Su Ziyi frowned.

Because he didn't expect that their teleportation point would actually fall on the Desert Altar this time.

Even if he had only been here once, looking at the familiar scenery around him allowed him to determine their location immediately. Unfortunately it's not a good place. But now is not the time to dwell on this matter. Since this is a teleportation point, other people may appear later, so it is better for them to leave here quickly.

From this, he waved his sleeves and said to the two people who were still in a daze: "Let's go." After saying that, he took the lead in choosing a direction and rushing forward.

At this moment, many people appeared one after another at other transfer points in the water realm. Most of these people traveled together, and only a very small number of people traveled alone. But whether it was one person or several people, after everyone determined their location, they immediately left the teleportation point and headed in other directions.

Only some unlucky people bumped into the people behind them before they could leave, and a big fight broke out without saying a word.

And this time, the water realm also kicked off in such a bloody atmosphere.

There are no good things in the desert. The only thing worthy of praise is the ghost-faced leaf vine. But as cultivators come once a year and plow the place cleanly like a field, all that is left is Just some seedlings, the mature ones had been picked up long ago. Moreover, Su Ziyi also discovered along the way that even the seedlings of the ghost-faced leaf vine were beginning to decrease. He even saw dead seedlings of the ghost-faced leaf vine, yellow and wrinkled, lying on the ground, looking so pitiful.

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