Chapter 127 - 128

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Chapter 127 The Theory of Taoism

Because he is confident that his own elixirs are effective, Bian Qing has always priced them more expensive than those from other elixir shops.

But in the eyes of others, it is a sign of "black heart". No matter what Bian Qing said, the other party insisted on half the price, which made Bian Qing feel angry and funny.

In the end, Su Ziyi, who came out to see the situation, solved the problem and told the other party to either buy it or get out, and stop nagging here.

The other party was just an ordinary woman. Facing the kind-hearted Bian Qing, she could bargain hard, but when she met the cold-faced Su Ziyi, she didn't dare to say anything. Especially after Su Ziyi released his pressure, the whole person was even more frightened. He didn't dare to have any objection at all. He paid the money and took the elixir and left.

It was only then that the onlookers realized that this elixir shop, which had had no business for several months, was actually opened by practitioners!

This time, they didn't dare to watch the excitement at all. Before Su Ziyi could look over, they all ran home in despair.

"Your attitude towards them is too good." Su Ziyi looked back and saw Bian Qing's slightly blue face. He sighed and comforted: "Just ignore them. If you want to buy, just buy. If you don't, just buy." Let's go. Anyway, it was either bought by him or by someone else. There is really no need to explain so much to them. They don't understand anyway." "Yeah." By this time, Bian Qing had come to his senses and was determined to do it in the future

. I will no longer pay attention to this kind of person's nonsense.

Originally, doing business was a matter of mutual consent. But when they did this, it seemed like they were buying and selling by force. How funny.

After all this trouble, Bian Qing's mentality has changed a lot, but the business in the store, which was already sparse, has become even more bleak. Bian Qing once accidentally saw the residents of the same neighborhood gathered together and chattering about them. If anyone asked about it, each one of them would look like they had seen the sky falling, and they would tell Su "crackling". The evil deeds of Jiadanfang.

However, whenever the Su family appeared, they were like chickens being strangled by the neck, with their faces flushed and all their nonsense stuck in their throats.

And here, after a few months of realizing the "Zhiyi Sword Art", Su Ziyi finally felt that he had a glimmer of enlightenment. He was no longer limited to imaginative exercises following the mirror in his mind every day. Instead, he used Li Zhi as a sword and gestured in the yard. Because there is no aura attached to all the moves, they are just superficial.

But even just like this, Su Ziyi's understanding of the sword art became deeper and deeper.

The breeze in late spring was blowing gently, and only a few clusters of residual flowers were left rustling down. They were about to fall into pieces, but a plum branch came from nowhere and was wrapped in a ball of wind. It was not fast, and it did not make a "swish" sound through the air. Instead, it was like a branch slowly returning to its original position after being overwhelmed by the strong wind, gentle but firm.

It seems gentle and does not carry any threat, but when it gets close to the plum petals, it rolls up all the petals, as if connecting them together with needles and threads, letting them follow it closely, and connects the other petals with the same rhythm. The falling plum blossom petals were swept in.

In the end, it turned into a "Dance of Plum Blossoms".

But unexpectedly, Li Zhi's speed became faster and faster at this time! It is like a sword unsheathed, or like a hurricane hurt by the sea in August. Its movements are getting more and more rough, making the air rustle, which is painful for the plum petals attached to it. They are already delicate and weak, but at such a rough speed, they feel like their bodies are being torn apart by the air!

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