Chapter 367 - 368

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Chapter 367 Join forces to form an alliance


"Stop! What are you doing here?!" After all, there is no coexistence between good and evil. This group of evil cultivators had just taken two steps forward when they were stopped by the patrolling Xuan Cang Sect disciples.

But these evil cultivators just stopped obediently. They were obviously much better than the patrolling disciples.

A little further away, there was a dense circle of disciples from various factions. The disciples with low strength showed fear in their eyes, or could not help but take two steps back, or grabbed the sleeves of acquaintances around them, with fear written on their faces. Not welcome when full. Not far behind them, foundation-building elders from various factions were rushing over after hearing the news.

Suddenly, a road opened in the crowd for the elders to enter and exit.

The leader is still Zhu Lian.

Facing a group of evil cultivators, Zhu Lian, who had always had a gentle face, became a little indifferent, and his eyes became sharp. He glanced around, and finally fixed his gaze on the person opposite, and said, "I wonder what Daoist fellow Taoist Mei Zhongjun of the Paradise Sect does with bringing so many people here?" As soon as he said these words, everyone present The person's complexion changed slightly.

Mei Zhongjun?

An evil cultivator?

I really don’t know what the person who named him was thinking.

Immediately, some disciples suppressed laughter, but lowered their heads immediately, although this was of little use to extremely keen foundation-building practitioners.

Following Zhu Lian's words, a petite figure who had been hidden among the evil cultivators slowly walked out. As soon as he appeared in front of people, everyone's faces became even more surprised, and some people even tilted their heads. Looking towards Zhu Lian, there was doubt in his eyes: This Mei Zhongjun is actually a woman?

Yes, judging from the appearance, this Mei Zhongjun actually looks like a girl. She is still a beautiful woman with a lot of charms, and her eyes are full of charm, which makes some disciples who are not very determined feel agitated in their hearts.

Suddenly, everyone blushed at their own narrow-mindedness.

But, the next second -

"Ha, it's neither a boy nor a girl." An old man with a white beard standing behind Zhu Lian sneered, his eyes full of contempt for Mei Zhongjun. When he noticed that everyone was following the voice and looking towards him, he felt even more proud: "What can a man pretend to be? He has to dress up like a woman. It's a joke." At the end, he hummed heavily. He made a sound, indicating that he disdains talking with the other party.

In an instant, everyone's expressions changed, and the disciples who were blushing and heartbeating before were even more pale now.

Zhu Lian turned a blind eye to all the farce that happened and kept staring at Mei Zhongjun. Naturally, he did not miss the flash of resentment in his eyes. But in this regard, Zhu Lian didn't say a word, and continued to repeat what he said before: "I wonder what the purpose of Mr. Mei Zhong is in bringing so many people here?" As he spoke, his hands had already touched his waist. , obviously making his attitude clear.

But all he saw was Mei Zhongjun on the opposite side let out a sweet smile. He was obviously a man, but he made a sound like a girl's silver bell. No wonder it was so confusing. He spoke coquettishly, and the coquettishness in his words almost overflowed, as if he was really a twenty-year-old girl: "Fellow Taoist Zhu Lian is still so unhuman." He moved lightly, and everyone noticed him. Even his feet are much smaller than those of ordinary men.

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