Chapter 123 - 124

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Chapter 123 Encountering bandits on the road

Early the next morning, Su Ziyi hitched up the carriage and prepared to leave.

The weather was not very good. There were dark clouds floating in the sky early in the morning, and it looked like it was going to rain. However, Su Ziyi thought that the rain in spring was probably just a gentle drizzle, so he did not plan to stay for another day and was ready to pack up and hit the road immediately.

"After leaving the town, go south, and there will be another straight road leading to Qixia Town. As long as you go faster, you might be able to reach the next town in less than half a day." In front of the inn, Yang Liu was following Bian

Qing was talking, and when he caught sight of Su Ziyi's figure from the corner of his eye, he said goodbye to Bian Qing and Su Yulang with some reluctance. Although the two have not known each other for a long time, Bian Qing has a straightforward temper and does not hesitate to speak, so Yang Liu quickly chatted with Bian Qing, just like friends. Yang Liu even felt that these two days were the happiest time he had lived in the past few years.

"Okay, I've remembered it all." Although it was just a chance encounter, Bian Qing also followed Yang Liu's affection. He thanked Yang Liu, and when he saw Su Ziyi sitting on the carriage waiting for them, he knew it was time to leave, so he didn't waste time and said goodbye to Yang Liu: "Then we'll leave now. It's been a long time these two days." Thank you."

"What happened." Hearing what Bian Qing said, Yang Liu blushed a little. After all, he ran an inn and only did his duty. How could he afford Bian Qing's thanks? He quickly waved his hand to refuse, followed Bian Qing and walked a few steps in the direction of the carriage. After Bian Qing and Su Yulang climbed onto the carriage, he returned to his normal expression, smiled and waved: "Have a nice trip." "You want the same, too

. Take care."

Seeing that the two of them had finished saying goodbye, Su Ziyi picked up his whip and urged Lao Ma and his family to walk out of the town.

"Hey, it won't rain today." The carriage turned around, and Bian Qing took Su Yulang to sit down. They did not enter the carriage, but sat behind Su Ziyi against the carriage. Then he looked up and saw the sky without any sunshine, and couldn't help but feel a little worried: "Do you want to take out the oilcloth first?" "It's okay, I probably won't be able to get off for a while."

Because we were still in the town, the carriage was not going very fast. , but it also allowed them to observe the town in more detail.

When I entered the town yesterday, it was quite late, so I couldn’t see very clearly. But now they can clearly discover that there are not many shops in this town. Many shops with signboards are actually not open for business. Most of them are actually residential buildings. When they look through the open door, the furnishings inside are just like those of ordinary people. The main hall is average, and in some houses there are children sitting and playing inside.

"It seems that what Yang Liu said yesterday is really true." Looking at the somewhat desolate street, Bian Qing couldn't help but feel a little sad.

"Yeah." Su Ziyi said casually. Although he could see that the people in this town did not live a very good life. Many people were still wearing patched old clothes, and Fatty didn't even see one, but what did this have to do with him?

"They are just like the people in the village." At this time, Su Yulang, who had been leaning on Bian Qing silently, said with a small face that didn't look very happy: "They are just a little better than the people in the village, better than the people in the village." The people in Shuiyun Town are far behind." After saying this, he moved his buttocks and hit Bian Qing again.

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