Chapter 38 - 39

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Chapter 38 Xie Shanyiyi [First update in V]

August twenty-nine, cold dew.

The work in the fields in Luoshan Village has already been done. In the few days of leave before Xie Shanyi, farmers and households scrambled to harvest. In just a few days, the originally golden rice fields turned into yellowish-brown. The rice stubble fields herald the official end of this year’s autumn.

And capable women or couples, during the break between the two fights, did not forget to go to the town to buy what Xie Shanyi needed.

They are sharp-tongued and can always squeeze out the last drop of oil from the most treacherous merchants without touching the merchants' bottom line, so that both parties can smile and be satisfied.

In the early morning of the third day of September, the sky was still grey-blue, and the sun hadn't had time to pop out. It only painted a few touches of color on the clouds on the horizon, like the lipstick commonly used by women. The color was right but not too thick, and it looked terrible. Good looking. The arrival of early morning opened the doors of every household in Luoshan Village, and the sound of people talking broke the silence of the morning, which was dominated by the crowing of chickens and the barking of dogs.

The water vapor in the village has not stopped. Looking from a distance, you can still see a few faint mist lingering in the village. But no matter what the weather was like, the village chief Qi Haishan didn't even have time to eat breakfast, so he stood outside his warehouse with his son Qi Yuelin, and took out a black toothed key (this is the key that allowed him to have breakfast) from the bag on his waist. Specially made by a master in town), he quickly and accurately inserted it into the keyhole and unscrewed it.

Instantly, a breath of dust that had been sealed for a year hit his face, causing Qi Yuelin to cough twice uncontrollably and take a few steps back. The village chief Qi Haishan was not affected at all. Instead, he glanced at his son, making Qi Yuelin a little ashamed.

"It's already half past eight. The uncles and uncles from the village will come over soon. Have you taken stock of the things you need?" Although the village chief Qi Haishan is over eighty years old, he is a spirited old man. If Not for the silver hair on his head, but the energy with which he spoke and the steady pace that he walked would have been hard to imagine for his age.

"It's all written down, and I checked it several times."

Qi Yuelin is Qi Haishan's son when he was in his forties. He is now thirty-eight years old this year. He is five feet tall and has a square, dark face. , with thick calluses on his hands, it looked like he was used to working on his hands. With his broad shoulders, he looked like a reliable farm man. But unlike ordinary men, this short and precise man is one of the few literate people in Luoshan Village.

And this time, it was not the first time that he assisted his father in preparing for Xie Shanyi, so he acted calmly and took out a piece of yellow paper from his arms, which was densely written with various things that would be used on Xie Shanyi. , although his handwriting cannot be called good, it can still be said to be square.

"Okay, you go in and take inventory, and when the Li boys and the others arrive, you and they can move things out one by one." Although Qi Yuelin is Qi Haishan's only son, until now, he has not He dared to give Xie Shanyi the responsibility of hosting because - in his words, this child lacked any sense of awe.

Seeing that he is getting older, although his body looks strong, he knows better than anyone what he is like inside. He looked at his somewhat careless son and couldn't help but sigh in his heart. If his son remained like this, he might have to choose another person to shoulder the heavy responsibility of the village head of Luoshan Village.

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