Chapter 251 - 252

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Chapter 251 Dispute Resolution

Suddenly, the temperature in the entire mine dropped several degrees, causing tiny goosebumps to rise all over the body.

Before Su Ziyi could react, a burst of intense light suddenly erupted from the Binghuo Essence opposite him, sucking in a black shadow hiding in the corner, stuffing the opponent into his body as if he was devouring it, and then In the blink of an eye, it returned to its previous appearance.

The surrounding temperature has also returned to normal.

At this time, Su Ziyi was still a little stupid. But before he could think about it, there were panicked footsteps from behind, and two people rushed in. The leader even shouted: "Husband!" It was Bian Qing and Su Yulang


Su Ziyi came to his senses completely. He turned back to look at Bian Qing and the two. After meeting their worried eyes, he subconsciously grinned: "Don't worry, I'm fine." After saying that, he looked towards them. The two walked over, stretched out their hands to hold Bian Qing's, and used their own warmth to help Bian Qing calm down.

Seeing that there was indeed nothing wrong with Su Ziyi, Bian Qing finally felt relieved, but he still had to say what he wanted to say. He glared and said, "Didn't you say you would leave after just one look? Why did you come in?" "It almost scared him and A-Lang to death.

"There's nothing we can do about it." Su Ziyi shook his head helplessly, and then moved his body, revealing the mess behind him.

Only then did Bian Qing and Su Yulang turn their attention away from Su Ziyi, and focused their attention on the black dust on the ground and the body that had changed beyond recognition.

To Su Ziyi's expectation, when the two of them saw these things, their expressions did not change and they looked very calm.

Bian Qing glanced at him and knew what he was thinking. He snorted and said, "What does this mean? When we were hunting in the Meteor Fairy Forest, we encountered corpses that died more tragically than this one." Meteor Fairy Forest There are dangers everywhere, but it is not just monsters that threaten hunters, but also people hiding in the dark.

Therefore, Bian Qing and Su Yulang's psychological endurance is much stronger than Su Ziyi thought.

Hearing this, Su Ziyi smiled coquettishly, and then told Bian Qing what he had just seen to change the subject. After listening to what Su Ziyi said, Bian Qing and Su Yulang no longer pursued Su Ziyi's slighting just now. They even revealed that Su Ziyi had violated the agreement and broke into the mine without permission.

"How can there be such a cultivation method?" Until this moment, Bian Qing and Su Yulang still regarded this matter as a rather evil cultivation method.

But Su Ziyi didn't think so. He shook his head, turned around and picked up the Binghuo Essence. The Essence of Binghuo at this moment was not as gloomy as when Su Ziyi first got the Essence of Jiamu. It felt warm to the touch and looked like he was full.

"I think that person is no longer a human being." Su Ziyi said.

"Although after so many years, there are countless cultivation classics that have been lost, there is no such cultivation method in the existing canon or unofficial history." What Su Ziyi is particularly concerned about is the one that was given by the spirit of Binghuo. The swallowed black shadow: "And the coldness that appeared inexplicably at the end reminded me of the black ghost I met last year. I strongly suspect that this is something similar to that." After hearing this, Bian Qing's heart rose.

After being frightened for a while, he ignored the matter and walked over with a fierce expression: "How dare you say that you agreed not to go in, but you just took a look, but you still went in." Su Ziyi choked and said

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