Chapter 103 - 104

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Chapter 103 Zhiyi Sword Art

When he first received the inheritance, Su Ziyi spent the entire second half of the night sorting it out.

Although Ziyi did not tell the cause and effect, Su Ziyi could guess from those memory fragments that this inheritance was extremely valuable. He sat on the couch, running the new spiritual energy route a little unfamiliarly, and then he was pleasantly surprised to find that this cultivation method called "Qing Ling Gui Yi Jue" actually made his cultivation progress at least three times faster!

This discovery made him so happy that he walked around the room and couldn't calm down for a long time.

“I can’t even imagine—” Su Ziyi bit the nail of his right thumb, his eyes full of excitement: “This is because the concentration of spiritual energy in the surrounding area is not high. If—if it is a place with abundant spiritual energy—then— —" Su Ziyi's eyes were shining brightly, but at the same time, he was full of longing for the era in which Ziyi lived.

Perhaps only in the place where Ziyi stayed, the monks dared to fearlessly attack the golden elixir, or even the Nascent Soul, to leave the body.

Instead of like now, the golden elixir has become the limit.

When he thought of this, Su Ziyi's originally excited mind completely calmed down. Through the window that was not closed, he looked at the gray-blue horizon, and shook his head with some self-deprecation: This is because he still has three spiritual roots. If he changes to a monk with dual spiritual roots or a single spiritual root, I am afraid it will be worse than He must be several times or even dozens of times better.

He exhaled hard, clenched his fists, and secretly cheered up in his heart, deciding to work harder in the future to make up for the gap in spiritual talent.

Afterwards, he no longer bothered about cultivating his mental skills, but instead focused on a sword technique.

This is a sword art called "Zhi Yi". Although "its name is not famous", Su Ziyi did not dare to underestimate it because it is the most detailed sword art inheritance given by Zi Yi. There are not only training formulas, but also Ziyi's own training experience, which is enough to prove that Ziyi himself also values ​​this sword technique very much.

Maybe even the one he majored in!

This thought instantly dispelled all the drowsiness in Su Ziyi's mind. He returned to the cave, sat cross-legged and meditated, pondering the entire sword formula word by word in his mind. After a while, his whole mind fell into a wonderful atmosphere, and his whole body condensed. A faint cyan mist.

"The sword move is the move of the heart, and using the heart as the sword is the sword -" Su Ziyi's soul seemed to have returned to the dark night realm, but this time there were no stars in the sky, only a figure who looked exactly like him, Standing in the middle with his sword in hand, he practiced a set of sword techniques at an extremely slow speed, again and again, seemingly tirelessly.

The sword moves were not gorgeous, and were even a bit crude, but Su Ziyi did not dare to underestimate him at all.

Although the figure was invisible and the blade was invisible, looking at the shadow's moves, he felt inexplicably frightened. At the same time, his mind was open and he had a different kind of understanding, which made him completely reluctant to move his eyes.

While reciting the sword technique silently, he couldn't help but follow Shadow and learn it. It's just that he didn't have a sword in his hand, and he just swallowed the sword technique wholeheartedly without understanding it in detail, so after practicing for a long time, he didn't get any true knowledge of the shadow. It even looked a bit like a tiger-like cat, which was funny. Incredible.

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