Chapter 291 - 292

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Chapter 291 The difference between good and evil

Regarding killing, both Bian Qing and Su Yulang adapted well and had no adverse reactions.

After all, they have all seen things more cruel than this, such as the deep mansion of aristocratic families, the disaster that destroyed the town in Qixia Town, and the territory of Shuizhu.

But in Chen Qiuchi's eyes, their calmness was a little unusual.

However, Chen Qiuchi thought about it and realized that when he was Su Yulang's age, he was already accustomed to blood and corpses, so the strange emotions only appeared for a moment and then disappeared.

After Su Ziyi's power was unleashed, no one without a sharp eye would come up to attack them again.

Several people were more or less injured, and had been tricked by the opponent's tricks. Therefore, after the crisis was resolved, they sat down on the ground and began to meditate without any particularity to recover. After Su Ziyi parked the carriage, he got out of the carriage, pulled off useful things from several corpses and threw them aside, and then burned the corpses to ashes with a fireball spell.

When they reached their position, they could no longer feel any movement in Tianlan City.

Therefore, Su Ziyi also decided not to move forward.

At this time, it was getting late, and the sun was hanging slanting in the sky. Only a few rays of orange sunlight came in from between the shadows of the trees and shone on people's skin. Su Ziyi didn't know how long the battle in Tianlan City would last, so after being lost in thought for a while, he started to light up the fire and prepare for dinner.

By the time everyone woke up, it was already midnight.

Among the five people, Bian Qing was the least injured, so Bian Qing was the first to wake up. As soon as he woke up, he had a warm dinner at Su Ziyi's invitation. Then, under Su Ziyi's persuasion, he fell asleep with a blanket on Su Ziyi's legs. The expression on his face was very calm. Thinking about it, he should It leaves no burden.

Su Yulang was the last one to wake up.

As soon as he woke up, he saw his parents clinging to the fire, and the other three people were sitting drowsily on the other side of the fire. He blinked and was still a little confused for a moment. It wasn't until Su Ziyi turned around to look over that he got up, walked towards the back, sat down next to Su Ziyi and said obediently: "Father." Su Ziyi took the warm

dinner He took it and handed it to him: "You are hungry, eat first."

Su Yulang then felt that he was terribly hungry, so he quickly took the steamed bun and started eating it. After a few bites, he suppressed the feeling of hunger a little. Then I started thinking about other things. He looked at Su Ziyi, then turned to look at the fire. After swallowing the steamed bun in his mouth, he said: "Father, evil cultivators - how are such things determined?" In the Yuan Kingdom

, The power of cultivators does not distinguish between good and evil, only their origin. Therefore, after coming to Dai Kingdom, Su Yulang has always been confused about the so-called right way and evil way.

If the distinction is based on the method of cultivation, then who will determine whether this kind of mental cultivation method is right or wrong? If the technique a person practices does deprive other lives, but it belongs to monsters or animals, then is he really evil? And if a person does practice the so-called evil cultivation method, but has never harmed anyone, then how should we distinguish him?

Also, how should the cultivators of the Yuan Kingdom be divided?

"Father, you said last year that some people used other people's lives to sacrifice evil things and gain stronger power. Are these people considered evil cultivators?" What he was talking about was that Su Ziyi saw the Cao family leading other people in the Shuizhu territory. The aristocratic family offered sacrifices at the altar. Su Ziyi told them this matter when he returned to Qixia Town, so after experiencing what happened to Dai Guo, Su Yulang remembered this matter.

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