Chapter 299 - 300

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Chapter 299 Decided to Stay

Su Ziyi knew what Bian Qing said was true, but he still felt a little uncomfortable.

Ever since he traveled to Qingze Continent, although he didn't have a great background, he didn't have any powerful backers. But relying on his step-by-step success and his alchemy skills, their family is doing well, and is even better than most people of the same class. They have never been looked down upon like this.

Therefore, when he was treated like this on the first day of junior high school, he was inevitably unhappy.

But fortunately, he is not a child who can act out of anger. He knows in his mind that what Bian Qing said is correct. After Bian Qing said this, he took a few deep breaths and suppressed the emotions in his heart. Then he took Bian Qing and Su Yulang to the third floor with a calm look on his face, and bought Bian Qing and Su Yulang each a new whip that was a low-grade treasure.

He held a new whip in his hand, but Bian Qing was more worried about Su Ziyi than the joy of getting the gift.

On the way back, he looked at Su Ziyi's back in front of him and wanted to say something, but when he took it, he found that he was too stupid and didn't know what to say. Fortunately, Su Ziyi adjusted himself after walking all the way, and when he turned another intersection, his expression had returned to his usual appearance.

"Don't worry, I'm fine." He smiled at Bian Qing. Bian Qing observed carefully. After making sure that there was no perfunctory look on his face, he breathed a sigh of relief and walked quickly, holding Su Ziyi's hand. Su Ziyi's side held someone's hand, and Su Ziyi held his hand in return.

The warmth in the palm of his hand made the last trace of depression in Su Ziyi's heart completely disappear.

After calming down, Su Ziyi began to think about his next plan. As he walked, he discussed with Bian Qing: "We have come so far, and this Xuancang City is the best place we have ever seen in Dai Kingdom." " Well, it is indeed peaceful here. When we first came, the village we went to was like another world compared to this one." "So, we stay here for the time being?" "The number of cultivators here is sufficient and the


are It’s also easy to buy, plus Xuan Cang Sect, a major weapon refining sect, is here, it’s a very good place for us to live temporarily.” Su Ziyi analyzed Bian Qing one by one, and Bian Qing saw Looking at his appearance, knowing that he had really put aside the previous incident, his heart became more at ease, and he seriously considered what Su Ziyi said.

Although they had planned to live temporarily in the Xuan Cang Sect's territory before, they had just arrived and didn't know where to go.

But this time, they followed Xuancang Sect all the way and found that Xuancang Sect's territory was indeed many times better than the Blood Refining Sect's territory, but Xuancang City was the most suitable for them. As Su Ziyi said, whether it is for cultivation or improvement of skills, there is probably no better place than Xuancang City in the entire Dai Kingdom.

Therefore, Bian Qing had nothing to worry about and just accepted.

Now that they had decided, they began to discuss what to do. Su Yulang had already had ideas about these things in his mind. After Bian Qing started speaking, he couldn't wait to express his thoughts. Then he said something, Bian Qing said something, and the three of them discussed in full swing, and the atmosphere became more and more tense. alright.

However, after they discussed it for a long time, they later realized that they were just retelling their life pattern in Qixia Town.

Since it is not their own home, they have been eating three meals a day outside these days. Therefore, when they returned to the small courtyard, it was already evening. Before they walked in, they saw a lantern shining orange light in front of the door of the house where they lived, and they immediately quickened their pace. .

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