Chapter 94 - 95

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Chapter 94 The Tomb of Ten Thousand Swords

Everything is fake.

People have seven emotions and six desires, and there are thousands of temptations and all kinds of sins in the world.

Su Ziyi cannot escape this law. Although he has embarked on the path of cultivating immortals, he still has an ordinary heart after all. Faced with all the things in the world, waves will naturally arise in his heart. It's just that he is neither greedy for money nor lustful. The only thing he regrets is that his heart has been lonely and cold for more than 20 years, so it is inevitable that he will feel some feelings for others.

But no matter how much emotion he felt, it couldn't stop his rational mind which was far more rational than emotional.

From the moment the guard dissipated into smoke under his hands, he knew that everything in front of him was an illusion and was unbelievable. Whether it was the parents he saw later or the noise he heard, they were all classified as confusing in his mind. In addition, he never felt that he was pitiful, nor did he pay too much attention to other people. He always followed nature, so even if there were occasional fluctuations in his heart, it would become calm in an instant.

That is to say, when I saw the phantoms of Bian Qing and Su Yulang, I felt a little more upset.

After all, compared to other people, they have been together day and night for more than a year, and their lives have long been involved. They can be said to be the people he has the deepest personal relationship with in his life, so the weight in his heart is different.

However, even so, he did not panic. He relied on instinct to distinguish the authenticity in a very short time and stabilized his mind. It's just that the strange young man who appeared later - he didn't belong to anyone in Su Ziyi's memory field, and the methods he used were too unpredictable, making it impossible for Su Ziyi to judge the opponent's origin at the first time, so it was difficult to make a decision.

Because of this, under his guidance, Su Ziyi almost regarded the other party as a real existence, and secretly suspected that all the accidents in the mine were the work of the other party. It was only in the subsequent game that he had to participate that Su Ziyi keenly discovered something was wrong.

The foundation of this game is based on two choices.

But any normal person with a bottom line would not choose either of these two options under any normal circumstances.

Just because of the strength shown by the other party from the beginning, it is easy for people to believe that the other party wants to kill him with just a flick of his little finger. Therefore, in order to survive, he will subconsciously succumb to the other party's power and do as the other party orders. This kind of blind obedience reaches its peak when you find that you can't touch or hurt the other person. No matter how unwilling you are, you have to accept it.

And once you accept the game, everything begins.

Both choices are painful, and neither one is right. But under the other party's constant temptation, the mind will inevitably think according to the other party's words. After all, just thinking about it without making a decision does not seem to cause anything irreversible.

Just thinking about it here is wrong.

Because you shouldn't think about it from beginning to end, no matter which one you choose.

At first, when the other party approached, Su Ziyi just felt cold, but when he followed the other party's words and thought of letting Bian Qing and his son die in his place, even if he rejected this choice for a moment, the chill immediately invaded his body. But when he firmed up his thoughts and no longer had this intention even if the other party tried to tempt him in every possible way, the chill no longer penetrated deeply and just stuck in his flesh, unable to advance or retreat.

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