Chapter 135 -136

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Chapter 135 Meeting Zhang Wu on the Road

Although the Snow Rat is weak, it is not without its own skills.

Su Yulang, like his mother-in-law, rushed straight at the opponent. It's just that he has little local experience and is not as skilled in the use of spiritual energy as Bian Qing, so as soon as his toes left the ground, he made a sound, alerting the snow velvet rat that was gnawing at the roots of the grass again.

In an instant, the velvet mouse stopped all movements, remained motionless, and then disappeared out of thin air astonishingly.

"Huh?" After landing about a foot away from where the Snow Velvet Mouse had been, Su Yulang discovered that the cute fluffy white mouse had disappeared right under his nose? This made him a little puzzled. In the blink of an eye, he thought of the method of using his spiritual consciousness that his father had given him, and he immediately closed his eyes and started using it.

"Not bad." Seeing Su Yulang's plan, Su Ziyi praised in a low voice: "Although the previous actions were a bit rough and reckless, it is good to be able to quickly think of solutions when encountering problems." Hearing Su Ziyi's praise, someone on the

sidelines Bian Qing and Yourong Yan.

Snow Rat is a first-level monster with extremely low strength, about the same as a first-level Qi Refining practitioner. Although its strength is low, it is small and flexible, so it is not easy to catch with ordinary means. In addition, the snow velvet rat also has a magical ability to avoid enemies, which can change the color of its entire body in a short period of time to match the surrounding environment. Integrated into one, it can well escape from the pursuit of some animals with underdeveloped sense of smell.

Su Yulang only remembered these belatedly after seeing the snow velvet mouse escape. While he was annoyed at his carelessness in his heart, he concentrated on searching for the location of the Snow Rat. Fortunately, his hard work paid off, and his consciousness quickly captured the strange movement in a bush two feet away from him. !

He immediately turned around and swung the whip in his hand at the right position. The whip with the power of the wind instantly split the bush into two halves, and a bunch of small branches fell to the ground. The snow velvet mouse screamed, unable to maintain its camouflage any longer, and its snow-white body was immediately exposed among a pile of brown branches.

When Su Yulang saw it, his eyes lit up instantly, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but turn up, with a smile on his face.

He took advantage of the snow velvet mouse to run around holding its head, and moved closer to it with a movement of his feet. Then a whip danced in the wind, and with a "swishing" sound through the air, it whipped all the bushes next to the velvet rat into pieces. Pieces of sharp sawdust splashed on the velvet rat's body, stinging the velvet. The mouse trembled and did not dare to move. Hearing the ringing in his ears, he was filled with despair.

Su Ziyi looked at Su Yulang's behavior of both physical destruction and psychological critical attack with a crooked corner of his mouth, feeling speechless in his heart.

Su Yulang, who has always been obedient, shouldn't he be gentle and gentle in everything he does?

What the hell is this violent young lady in front of me?

Su Ziyi felt weak for a while, but after seeing Su Yulang pinch the skin of the back of the velvet rat's neck with two fingers and stop doing anything, he felt relieved. After all, although he asked Su Yulang not to pity the monsters, he never thought of asking him to kill them. Such psychological thinking would be too distorted.

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