Chapter 213 - 214

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Chapter 213 Human nature is evil

At this moment, Su Ziyi's mood was very complicated.

He never thought that Su Yulang would say such words.

In his opinion, a well-behaved and soft child might cry or act coquettishly, but it shouldn't be as excited as it is now.

In short, no matter what, it's good that it didn't get ruined because of this incident.

In fact, Su Ziyi couldn't figure this problem out, but looking at it from Su Yulang's perspective, it was easy to figure it out.

Su Yulang has never been a very smart child, and the abuse and malnutrition in his childhood made him a little slow to react. Although he knew it was uncomfortable in his heart, he didn't know what to do. He could only endure it day after day, until Su Ziyi came to this world and replaced the original owner, and then he was freed.

But that still didn't solve the problem of his inner self. This article was compiled by Beig Youyu Dujia.

Although Su Ziyi's arrival has improved his living conditions, taught him how to read and practice, and given him expectations for the future, in the final analysis, what kind of person does he want to be? He himself didn't even have a vague idea. After experiencing Su Ziyi being in danger several times and his own experience in the Fallen Immortal Forest, he realized somewhat ignorantly that he wanted to become more powerful, even more powerful than his father.

Only in this way can he protect himself, Eminem and his father.

But what would it be like to be more powerful than his father? Su Yulang was not clear about this concept.

All along the way of cultivation, what he knew was instilled by Su Ziyi and Bian Qing. What he saw with his own eyes, heard with his ears, and touched with his hands was very little. Most of the people he met in the Fallen Immortal Forest were weaker than his mother, let alone compared with his father.

Therefore, this inevitably made him a little confused.

Su Ziyi and Bian Qing once told him that the immortals in the storybook do not exist now, and most of the powerful practitioners in the world generally have other magical powers. Therefore, he often thinks about what those practitioners who are more powerful than his parents will look like. Can he become that person?

Today's encounter, although it was very uncomfortable, actually answered some of Su Yulang's inner doubts.

He finally knew what a true Foundation Establishment cultivator looked like, and he also deeply realized that under Foundation Establishment, he and his parents were completely incompetent. The feeling of being dominated by others a few years ago had returned. . This made him a little trembling, but also a little excited, because he had begun to understand the path he was going to take.

Therefore, even when he talked to Su Ziyi, his tone couldn't help but be a little excited.

Compared to Su Ziyi, Bian Qing understood Su Yulang better, but he didn't tell Su Yulang's little thoughts. After all, the child was so old, so he should have his own thoughts in his heart. So after confirming that Su Yulang had no other problems, he began to discuss with Su Ziyi what to do next.

"Stay in the middle layer for a few days to see the situation -" It is true that with the help of the Five Elements Essence, they can enter the inner layer without anyone noticing, but they enter the inner layer to gain experience, so how can they get out? The sound will definitely alarm nearby people or monsters. Therefore, for the sake of safety, it is better for them to suppress their thoughts first.

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