Chapter 383 - 384

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Chapter 383 Tianyuan Luo Yi

After that day, Su Ziyi was busy for a long time.

It was already half a month later when he moved to the place where he lived and finished refining the elixir on hand.

On this day, as soon as he came out of seclusion, Cui Yu came to his door with a stranger.

This person is in the early stage of foundation building.

He is tall and thin, a full head taller than Cui Yu. His limbs are long and lean, and his mud-like yellow skin sticks to the surface of his body. Coupled with his dull expression and unspectacular facial features, he looks like... Like a dried lizard. Looking at his eyes that were so big that they seemed to bulge out of their sockets, Su Ziyi was still stunned.

Cui Yu squeezed up and saluted Su Ziyi: "Senior." Su Ziyi

came back to his senses. He stood sideways and let the two of them enter the house. This house was found by the disciples of Xuan Cang Sect a while ago, and he It's not big, there are only three rooms except the living room, so when you first walk in, it looks a bit shabby. However, Cui Yu has been living in such a house these days, so he is naturally accustomed to it.

As soon as the three of them entered the main room, Cui Yu introduced this person to Su Ziyi: "Senior, this is fellow Taoist Luo Yi from the Tianyuan Sect." Luo Yi, whose name was mentioned, also immediately said hello to Su Ziyi, It's just that his words are the same as his appearance, dry and boring.

Tianyuan Sect?


Su Ziyi blinked, and his mind suddenly came alive.

There are many small and medium-sized cultivators in Dai Kingdom, so Su Ziyi also knows that he cannot be aware of all the forces. But even so, he also knew that the title "teaching" might be a bit...? Thinking of this, Su Ziyi couldn't help but turn his attention to Cui Yu, wanting to know what this kid was up to.

But Cui Yu just smiled at him stupidly, without any intention of explaining.

Forget it, let’s wait until they leave. Now is indeed not a good time to talk about others.

As soon as Su Ziyi touched his chin, he smiled and saluted Luo Yi. The other person seemed to be very bad at dealing with other people's smiles. When he saw Su Ziyi smiling at him, a pair of thin lips moved towards the roots of his teeth, but the two pieces of flesh on his cheeks were stiff. Why? It looked so awkward that Su Ziyi was embarrassed to laugh any more.

After a few people sat down, and with Cui Yu's continued introduction, Su Ziyi realized that the man who looked stunned was actually the second elder of the Tianyuan Sect. When he thought that the second elder of a sect only had the strength of the early stage of foundation building, Su Ziyi couldn't help but murmur in his heart, what is it about Tianyuan Sect that makes Cui Yu look at it differently?

Since Cui Yu can come to him, it should be about the elixir.

Sure enough, after a while of greetings, Cui Yu explained the other party's intention. Also because the other party was not good at words, it was Cui Yu who was talking to Su Ziyi from the beginning to the end. Luo Yi, who was obviously asking for elixirs, was like a companion, sitting on the stool with no expression at all. , his eyes never moved.

Seeing Cui Yu's constant glances at him, Su Ziyi nodded and agreed to the other party's request for pills.

Anyway, it’s just a seventh-grade elixir.

After hearing Su Ziyi's agreement, Luo Yi's face showed a slight fluctuation. His face was still stiff, but the light in his eyes was full of joy. Su Ziyi knew at this moment that this person was not trying to be arrogant or anything else, but he was naturally introverted and didn't express himself, and he didn't even know how to smile.

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