Chapter 11 - 12

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Chapter 11 Hire someone to build a house

Early the next morning, Su Ziyi still got up very early. After he cooked the porridge, he started meditating in front of the rising sun as usual. As wisps of purer spiritual energy entered his body, he felt that he was getting closer and closer to the fifth level of Qi training. Of course, this is also because in the past 10 years, although the original owner has not practiced, his body is still absorbing spiritual energy and has accumulated a lot.

Su Ziyi had an inexplicable feeling that maybe as long as he entered the fifth level of Qi training, he could enter the mountain again, or even go deeper.

Bian Qing has been getting up a little late in recent days. On the one hand, the work in the fields has come to an end. On the other hand, Su Ziyi has taken over the job of making breakfast every day since he changed. There is no need for him to get up so early every day. This made his mood get better and better, and the quality of his sleep also improved linearly. He even didn't wake up from his dream for a long time.

So, when he got up, it was already bright outside, and Su Yulang was also awake, smiling at him with a pair of round eyes, and shouting softly: "Emma." This made him feel uncomfortable. , reached out and hugged Su Yulang, and then the two got dressed and got up.

In this regard, Su Yulang was very sensible. He didn't need Bian Qing's help. He dressed neatly by himself. Then he felt so clever that he ran to the well and drank the well water that Su Ziyi had brought. He rinsed his mouth with salt from a willow branch and washed his face with a cotton towel. The whole process was very smooth, not at all like the stupidity or dementia that Su Ziyi said before.

By the time the family of three finished eating, the sun had already risen quite high. In order not to waste time, Su Ziyi put on the bamboo basket Bian Qing had bought newly, locked the door, and took the two of them away.

Along the way, Su Ziyi didn't see many people. Even if a few Shuang'er and women saw them, they stayed away from them and had absolutely no intention of coming up to say hello. Su Ziyi was so happy that he didn't notice. He walked very fast on his feet. In the second half of the journey, he even picked up Su Yulang, who was already unable to walk, which made Bian Qing and his son scream in their hearts.

When Su Yulang was just picked up by Su Ziyi, he was so scared that he didn't know where to put his hands. As a result, when Su Ziyi got up and walked forward, he threw himself on Su Ziyi's body due to inertia, and subconsciously hugged Su Ziyi with his small hands. He grabbed Su Ziyi's neck, and then after smelling the fresh scent of Su Ziyi's body, he buried his head firmly in Su Ziyi's neck, holding him tightly and not letting go.

Bian Qing, who was walking behind, felt a sore nose as he looked at the happy father and son in front.

As for Su Ziyi, he did it on the spur of the moment when he picked up Su Yulang, because the child had a hard time walking, and his cultivation and physique were stronger than Bian Qing's, so he naturally took on the responsibility. The child was picked up. As soon as he got the child, he was quietly surprised. Although the child itself looked quite thin, not like a 9-year-old at all, he didn't expect it to be so light!

He subconsciously lifted Su Yulang's buttocks, shook his head in his mind, and decided to go back and buy some delicious food to feed the child. Even though he is not his biological child, after spending a month together, he knows that this child is still quite good, and it doesn't matter if he is a little nicer to him.

Shuiyun Town is not a big town, but although Sparrow is small and well-equipped, it still has everything it should have.

Following the memory of the original owner, Su Ziyi soon found workers looking for work on West Street near the market. These workers were all dressed in old clothes, and some even had several patches on their short coats, which turned white after being washed. Su Ziyi knew that the people looking for work here were usually ordinary people without spiritual roots. They couldn't do much in the mines, so they could only find some day jobs in the town.

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