Chapter 149 - 150

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Chapter 149 Meeting Xiang Zuo again

"Yulang, where is your velvet rat?"

"Huh?" Su Yulang, who was busy burying the Void Spirit Stone in the flowerpot, was stunned for a moment, then pursed his lips, lowered his head and continued to be himself. He replied: "Sold."

"Huh? Sold? Don't you like it very much?" Su Ziyi felt strange when he heard what he said.

"I really liked it at first." Su Yulang sighed like a little adult: "But I didn't expect it to eat so much, and it also secretly bites our spiritual grass!" He put on a look on his face. Gritting his teeth: "If I hadn't discovered it earlier, it would have eaten that loose moon grass!" "

When I got angry, I sold it directly. Anyway, the monster shop on West Street also sells it. This, the price is not bad, so I sold it."

"Pfft--" Su Zi Yidun felt a little bit dumbfounded after hearing what the child said. But in fact, when I think about it, a loose moon grass is nothing. If they want to raise it, their family can afford it. Su Yulang's approach lacks the innocence of a child and has more maturity that makes people feel distressed. But it was useless to think so much at this point. He smiled at Su Yulang and said, "Is there anything else Yulang wants? Father bought it for you as a reward for your recent progress in cultivation." "Really

? Is that so?" Su Yulang didn't expect such a good thing to happen at all, and his bright eyes suddenly curved into crescent moons.

"Then I want a new whip." As if worried that Su Ziyi would regret it, Su Yulang said hurriedly: "The other day I saw a beautiful soft whip in the shop next to the Monster Shop. I really want it." Then, he puffed up his cheeks again, looking a little disappointed: "But the snow velvet mouse was only sold for one hundred taels of silver, but the whip cost three hundred taels. The total of all my pocket money is still not enough." Finally, he He sighed sadly.

Are you exchanging pets for whips?

Although Su Yulang had a sad look on his face, his rolling eyes told people that he was in high spirits. Su Ziyi didn't point it out, just smiled: "Okay, okay, you see how big the difference is, I will help you make up for it." It happened that he was short of some important medicinal herbs and spiritual herbs in his pharmacy, and he would go out for a walk later. good.

Therefore, after lunch, the Su family members went directly to the West City without opening the shop or going to the gym to learn whips.

Compared to the East City, the atmosphere in the West City is heavier, and there are more aristocratic families on the streets. Su Ziyi and Bian Qing each held one of Su Yulang's hands and walked silently down the street. When they saw Su Yulang's somewhat uneasy eyes, they gave each other a reassuring smile before straightening up and continuing to walk forward.

The store Su Yulang was talking about was actually the property of aristocratic family, so compared to ordinary stores, this store was not affected by the atmosphere on the street. When the clerk saw the Su family walking in, he came over with a smile: "Hello, gentlemen, how can I help you?" After hearing this, Su Ziyi turned his eyes to the front.

This slightly bent shop assistant didn't even need to use his spiritual sense to detect that he was an ordinary person.

Lowering his head, Su Ziyi shook Su Yulang's hand and motioned for Su Yulang to speak. After having his parents by his side, Su Yulang suddenly felt confident and said in a crisp voice: "I want to buy a whip." Although he did not directly say that he wanted that whip, his eyes were already looking towards the counter uncontrollably. passed.

How could the store clerk not see such a straightforward instruction? After seeing clearly where the little boy was looking, the smile on his face became more sincere, and he led the three people of the Su family towards the direction of the whip. As he walked away, he kept livening up the atmosphere: "Well, young master, you have come to the right place. The weapons in our store are not only the most comprehensive in the town, but the quality is definitely the best." "If you

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