Chapter 78 - 79

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Chapter 78 Green Gold Wolf Beast

That night, nothing happened.

There are no monsters coming out of nowhere, and there are no strange and shrill screams.

This time, Su Zi practiced peacefully until dawn. When the sun rose and the water vapor on the stone ground had almost evaporated, he moved the Zhu Ming Vine fruit, which had become wilted in the sun, outside to dry in the sun. At the same time, in order to prevent any wild animals from looking for him while he was away, he specially prepared some extremely pungent medicine and sprinkled it on the surrounding ground. These smells were quite disgusting to ordinary monsters and wild animals.

When all these things were done, Su Ziyi carried a water bag and food on his back, and walked deeper into the mountain with a green horn knife in his hand.

Perhaps because this time he really stepped into the area where monsters live, Su Ziyi discovered traces of monsters not long after entering the mountain. But he didn't lean over, he just stood and took a look from a distance, because it was a first-order monster, and it was of no use to him at this stage, and the parts of it that could be used to make elixirs or medicines were not there. Not much, and there are even better alternatives.

To kill it? Not worth it.

Later, Su Ziyi found several traces left by monsters in the forest, but those traces were too vague, making it difficult for Su Ziyi to determine what kind of monster the other party was. However, this also allowed Su Ziyi to completely confirm that this mountain forest is not as harmless as Bian Qing and Old Doctor Li said. It is just that for unknown reasons, these monsters have not yet invaded Luoshan Village on a large scale. direction to go.

But even so, we have to guard against it.

With suspicion in mind, Su Ziyi's attitude became more serious. He was not as arrogant as before. Instead, he used tree trunks and leaves to hide his figure. He only occasionally collected the medicinal herbs and spiritual herbs that he liked, and carefully groped in this dangerous forest.

But not long after, a faint smell of blood blew into his nose along the wind, causing him to stop in place instantly. He moved his nose and sniffed the air, and then locked in a direction. He did not dare to be careless, and was even more careful than before, and slowly moved towards the direction where the smell of blood came from.

The distance was not far, and Su Ziyi found the place within a few turns.

The place is still in the woods, just stuck between two big trees. However, except for the blood-red puddle on the ground, there were no other living creatures there. After Su Ziyi released his consciousness, he did not find any other monsters. This made him slightly lower his guard and approached, but As soon as they passed by, they saw only a bloody monster corpse.

——It's Quanran.

Only half of the dog's body was left now, and the other half was missing. Su Ziyi speculated that it was directly swallowed by the other party. Because the wound section on Quanran's body was very smooth, it seemed as if a strong force had directly divided the opponent into two halves. Moreover, there were not many traces of fighting around, only some bushes had been stepped on, which made Su Ziyi have to guess that this was caused by a monster that was far more powerful than the dog.

Also, it seems that the other party does not hunt for food, but does this for fun?

——Otherwise, it would be impossible to have half of it left.

Such speculation made Su Ziyi feel a little heavy, and then his actions became more cautious. However, I don't know if I was destined to meet him today. When the sun was high in the sky, Su Ziyi found another dog's body quite far away from before, and this time, it was headless.

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