Chapter 393 - 394

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Chapter 393 Zhai Lao Ge Dong

After handing Su Ziyi to the old man, the woman planned to retreat with them.

Seeing this, Su Ziyi became anxious and quickly stopped in front of the person, saying with a livid face: "Where are my husband and the others? Didn't you agree to take me to meet my husband and the others?" His eyes were gloomy and his hands were touching. When we got to the storage bag, we were obviously ready to take action.

The woman's eyes were indifferent, and she looked back at the old man whose face was as shriveled as a dried orange peel, and said, "Old Getong Village?" He raised his eyelids listlessly, and then the old man who was called the Old Man of Getong

Village He moved his lips that could no longer tell the color: "Follow me." After saying that, he turned around and flew down, and the people who had been following him followed suit, as if they were not worried at all. Su Ziyi ran away. However, Su Ziyi did not run away. He glanced at the woman who still had no expression, and finally followed her with gritted teeth.

Walking into the village, Su Ziyi realized that it was more complicated than he thought.

Although I don't know what methods these people used, as soon as Su Ziyi's feet touched the ground, a spiritual energy poured into his body from under the soles of his feet, which was extremely powerful. However, Su Ziyi sensed some unpleasant presence in this aura, and immediately blocked the other party from his body, refusing to allow him to enter.

But this rejection soon lost its effect.

The weird spiritual energy just seeped in from the ground at first, but as it went forward, the spiritual energy around him also changed in the same way, and the degree of change was even more fierce than that underground, and it poured towards Su Ziyi pervasively. In the end, even if Su Ziyi used all his strength, he still managed to stick to Su Ziyi's skin smoothly and get in.

As soon as the thing penetrated into his body, Su Ziyi shivered instantly, and he felt that something bad had happened.

At this time, the group of people walking in front also turned to look at him. Ge Tong squinted his small eyes and stared at Su Ziyi for a few times before saying: "Let's go." After that, he turned around and took him with him. Everyone walked in the other direction. It was also at this time that Su Ziyi discovered that the other party had been taking him around the outside of the village and had not gone deep into the village.

Obviously there is no layout plan in this village. As long as you want to go, you can take a shortcut at any time, but the other party keeps walking on the edge of the forest with him and does not go deep into the forest. Subconsciously, Su Ziyi looked towards the forest next to him, and saw a small white flower spreading from his feet to the forest. Because the flower was very small and hidden among the green leaves, it was not very bright. Eye-catching.

And now -

when he thought that Qin Sikai had told him that there were many spiritual plants in the world that seemed inconspicuous but had strange effects, his heart went cold. He raised his head angrily and shouted: "What on earth did you do?" He called the person back, but the other person's face was still the same, with a look of disapproval: "It's just a precaution." It's just a last resort."

When he said this, his tone sounded like he was saying that the weather was very good today, without any trace of nervousness or guilt.

And after saying this, the other party acted like nothing was wrong, turned around and continued walking forward, getting into the woods, not caring what Su Ziyi thought at all.

Su Ziyi's chest was rising and falling, and he was about to explode with anger, but when he saw that the other party was almost gone, he had no choice but to hold back the anger in his heart and follow him.

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