Chapter 86 - 87

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Chapter 86 Things in the Mine

As soon as he walked out of the courtyard, young master Xiang, who was as good as a quail, immediately started jumping up and down.

"Hey -" He stretched his waist in a pretentious manner, and a somewhat angry expression appeared on his young face. Su Ziyi found it very interesting, and then he looked at the young master shaking his head with a straight face. He rushed to Zuo and said, "Housekeeper Xiang, you are already such an old man. It's time to learn to solve problems by yourself. Why do you always trouble my father with trivial things?" After school this morning, he was

directly The reason why my father was caught here was because Xiang Zuo actually told his father that he put a caterpillar in Xiang Zuo's book yesterday! Although he did make the book quite disgusting, he didn't bring the matter to his father's house!

How stingy! I'm still a child!

"Young Master—" Xiang Zuo felt helpless when he heard what he said, and even felt a little bitter in his mouth. This young master is so naughty. He gave the young master a look, indicating that there were others here and that he should not talk about this matter outside.

But how can Young Master Xiang be so willing? He has been waiting for this day!

Everyone in the Xiang Mansion is on the side of Butler Xiang. As long as Butler Xiang sighs at him, others will definitely say that he is naughty again. Even Grandpa Wu, who loved him the most in the past, has reprimanded him many times. It is really frustrating. He was too suffocated. Finally, a person from outside the house came. Although he seemed to have a good relationship with Butler Xiang, as long as he said this, others might think that Butler Xiang was too stingy and would embarrass the child!

Therefore, he made up his mind to make Butler Xiang look ugly!

However, as soon as he set up his posture, a servant came running over with anxious expressions. When he met a few people, he bowed first, and then leaned forward to talk to Xiang Zuo's ear. He spoke in a very low voice, but Su Ziyi had the seventh level of Qi Refining, so he could hear their words clearly without any effort at all.

"Xiang Guanjie, something happened again at the mine. A miner from Changle Village disappeared since noon yesterday, and he has not been found until now. The mine manager hopes that you will come over -" I heard

During the first sentence, Xiang Zuo's expression changed. By the end, his whole face was even more livid. Young Master Xiang who was watching from the side couldn't stop messing around anymore. Instead, he shrank his neck and took a few steps back. . "Brother Su——" He waved the servant away first and hugged Su Ziyi to the left: "I have some things that I need to deal with temporarily -" The apology on his face was sincere, which made people really unbearable to embarrass him.

"It's okay, go and do your work first, Butler. We'll get together next time." Su Ziyi had a smile on his face, and he really didn't seem to mind it.

"Then thank you, Brother Su." He looked relieved to the housekeeper, hugged Su Ziyi again, and hurried away with the others. It was just that the boy who came to report looked at Su Ziyi curiously before he left, and then followed him.

After walking to the left, Su Ziyi and Young Master Xiang were the only ones left. They stared at each other, neither of them speaking first.

Although Su Ziyi couldn't say he disliked this glib kid, he couldn't say he liked him either. Just then I thought about the last time I was poisoned by the black spider, and I was able to survive because of the help of this child, so the eyes I looked at him became softer: "Don't you still have to go to class, young master Xiang?"

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