Chapter 369 - 370

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Chapter 369 Extreme Escape

The worst case scenario that Su Ziyi originally imagined happened.

It came unexpectedly and beyond everyone's expectations. As soon as it appeared, it swallowed up several lives. Even these people had no time to think of escaping before they were buried by the overwhelming black ghosts.

"Boom -"

A sword light swept across, and the black ghosts that were originally blocking the front were swept away instantly. The black sign long from the index finger fell down like rain, but before it had time to land, it fell involuntarily. was pulled in another direction, swallowed up by five bright shining beads and a dusty seal.

This is the essence of the Five Elements in Su Ziyi's hand and the nameless seal in Bian Qing's hand.

At this moment, due to the full-scale riot of the black ghosts, the black ghosts who had been traveling and fighting everywhere rushed towards the living body closest to them. Although Su Ziyi and Bian Qing had hunted a lot before, the black ghosts that came like a tide still instantly formed a thick wall in front of them, which was intimidating.

On the contrary, the essence of the five elements and the nameless seal, which are nourished by so many black brands, are becoming more and more nourished.

Knowing that the situation would only get worse, Su Ziyi concentrated on breaking through. He placed Bian Qing behind him, and asked someone to stand on the long sword and hug his waist tightly. He waved the long sword to drive away the black ghost in front of him, but the two of them hugged too tightly, even if Bian Qing Qing shrank and lowered his head, but Su Ziyi's sword swinging posture was still affected.

But fortunately, with the help of the essence of the five elements, this impact is not big.

The strength of the black ghosts that had devoured their kind increased rapidly, and they were as light as nothing. As a result, their speed was no slower than Su Ziyi and the others. With a crash, countless black ghosts approached from behind. Feeling the strong chill behind him, Su Ziyi had to fight back: "Spread without a trace!"

Suddenly, the black ghost seven or eight feet away in front of him was annihilated, and more black signs were shot towards Su Ziyi like black hail. .

Su Ziyi was shocked when he felt the large amount of spiritual power infused into his body by the essence of the Five Elements. When those black ghosts were affected by the sword intention of Zhi Yi Jian Jue, they turned around and accelerated to shoot outwards. He flew forward while performing sword moves, and Bian Qing, who had calmed down, was back to back with him, using The whip in his hand repels the black ghosts that were chasing after them sporadically, and in an instant, the two of them left quickly.


A huge explosion suddenly erupted from the black ghost circle as black as iron rock, and with the explosion, a large hole with a width of ten feet suddenly appeared, directly connecting the inside and outside of the black ghost circle. Su Ziyi, who used three lightning talismans to blast open the passage, took the opportunity to rush out with Bian Qing.

Behind them was an army of dark ghosts. Five shining five-element essences were suspended around the two people in plain colors. From a distance, they looked like lighthouses in the thick fog and dark night, attracting the attention of all those who were lost.

Breaking through the encirclement of the black ghost, Su Ziyi did not take it lightly. He immediately used his spiritual consciousness to locate Su Yulang's location. Su Ziyi was very smart and was among the first cultivators to sense that something was wrong. Therefore, he retreated as soon as possible and has now fled more than ten miles away. It's somewhere outside.

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