Chapter 239 - 240

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Chapter 239 Leaving early

When the door slammed shut in front of him, Su Linhuan had not had time to recover.

The breath that was forced to be held in his chest finally burst out somewhere. His round face was pale and pale, and he emptied all the air in his lungs like a big gasp, and then his mind turned around. Then, his face turned green and red instantly, obviously he was very angry.

"Let's go!"

When he just woke up, Su Linhuan was still thinking about going back to find Su Ziyi's trouble. But as soon as he lifted his legs, he remembered Su Ziyi's frightening aura that made his legs weak. He immediately retracted his legs quickly, took a few steps back with an embarrassed look on his face, and led the person unwillingly. left. But before leaving, he looked back at the door of the Su Family Alchemy House, with endless malice in his eyes.

All right.

Since you have said this over and over again, it would be too shameless for me to keep pestering you, so why not just agree and treat it as the last bit of father-son friendship between you and me.

With his consciousness always being exposed, Su Ziyi naturally did not miss the hostility on Su Linhuan.

He frowned subconsciously, feeling that Su Linhuan was even more disgusting than he thought.

Bian Qing, who was on the side, had not relaxed his brows from the beginning. Seeing Su Ziyi's solemn face, he felt even more worried. He couldn't help but stepped forward and asked, "What's wrong? Is there something wrong?" His consciousness was not as powerful as Su Ziyi's, so he naturally didn't notice the details on Su Linhuan's body. But just the way the other party wanted to go but never came back was enough to make him upset.

And there was one thing he didn't say.

But he felt that even if he didn't say anything about it, Su Ziyi would definitely know about it.

Sure enough -

"We're afraid we have to leave Qixia Town early." Turning around, Su Ziyi looked at Bian Qing and said.

"We rejected Su Linyu at the beginning, and Su Linyu asked Su Ziran and Su Linhuan to come. After coming so many times, they were either rejected or driven away by me. Therefore, they must have concluded in their hearts that there can be no second chance of this matter. It's possible, especially after Su Linhuan goes back today, he will definitely accuse Su Linyu of us -"

"At that time, even if the other party cannot directly attack us because of Xiangfu's face, I'm afraid they will increase their secret surveillance and seek for opportunity to kill us."

"So, we'd better leave before the other party has time to do these things."

The so-called plan cannot keep up with changes, the viciousness of human nature and the changing situation are beyond Su Ziyi's control. Their family can only passively be pushed forward bit by bit by the current situation. But fortunately, he had reached a cooperation with Xiang Mansion before, so he had plenty of money, and all the elixirs he needed had been refined, and he was ready to go at any time.

Bian Qing didn't want to stay in Qixia Town even more than he did, so he naturally agreed without any objection.

"I'll go to Old Doctor Wu to deliver the elixir later, and I'll leave it to you to clean up the house. I'll come back as soon as possible to help." Since everyone agreed to the decision, Su Ziyi stopped procrastinating: "Tomorrow morning , we will go into the mountain with other people who are hunting in the Fallen Immortal Forest, and find a place to rest there until the day when the water realm is about to open." As for where to rest, Su Ziyi already had a vague answer in his mind.

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