Chapter 88 - 89

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Chapter 88 Li Yu is missing

"Having given birth?!"

Although she had been hiding in the kitchen, she kept listening to what was going on in the delivery room. When the baby cried, the old woman from the Li family jumped up immediately, her wrinkled face shrinking like a flower. Ju Hua howled at the top of her lungs: "It's a pity that my youngest son died like this at such a young age. He didn't even see his own son. This troublemaker is really causing a lot of harm to people."

"Shut up!" As soon as he entered the kitchen door, he heard these shameless words. Bian Qing almost fell down in anger, and the cold light in his eyes shot over, forcing the old woman to not react for a while.

"I think the biggest nuisance to the Li family is you!" Bian Qing had only heard of Li Yu's mother but never had any contact with her, but that didn't stop him from hating her.

"Go away and stay out of the way." After hearing about 80% to 90% of what happened from Li Shi, Bian Qing couldn't treat the Li family at all. However, he and Yang Xu were just friends. If they were family members, he would definitely slap him. Throw it in the face of the old woman from the Li family and let her learn to be a human being again. "It's really unlucky for the child to have such a bad grandmother when he was born."

When had the old lady of the Li family ever been so angry? She immediately wanted to roll up her sleeves and curse, but was stopped by her second daughter-in-law.

"Mr. Su family, you are here." The second daughter-in-law of the Li family was just sitting by the stove eating melon seeds and watching the fun. After seeing Bian Qing put down the big and small bags, her eyes immediately lit up and she also He took the initiative to reach out and hold his mother-in-law who was about to have an attack. In her opinion, although the Su family is not easy to mess with, they can't stand up to the Su family's rich. Just a little bit of trouble from their family can make people live for a long time.

But Bian Qing's heart was filled with fire. Naturally, he didn't have a good face towards these people who only knew how to make small calculations. He didn't say anything, just pushed the person away, and then skillfully raised another fire on the stove. Make a fire and prepare some food for Yang Xu.

The woman was frustrated by Bian Qing, but she didn't feel annoyed. Instead, she came up to him without any unfamiliarity, rummaged through the things Bian Qing brought, and said with a smile: "My brother. My husband is really blessed to have such a good friend like you." After saying that, she put on a fake expression of regret on her face: "It's a pity that you are not blessed, I -" "If you don't speak, no one will think you are...

" Mute." Before the woman could finish her words, a cold voice came from the kitchen door, choking back the words in her mouth.

Seeing her being scolded, Bian Qing felt happy. He looked up and saw Su Ziyi walking in against the light. He immediately stood up from behind the stove and asked nervously: "How's it going? ? Is Yang Xu okay?" "It's okay." Su Ziyi shook his head to reassure him. He didn't look at the other people in the kitchen, only looked at Bian Qing and said, "The situation has stabilized, and he has gone to bed now." "Then

. Okay." After hearing this, Bian Qing was completely relieved.

As soon as Su Ziyi entered the door, the woman with whom he was familiar before immediately did not dare to speak. She stood in the corner with her mother-in-law as quiet as a quail, pretending that she did not exist. After all, it was because of Bian Qing's good temper that she dared to be careless in front of Bian Qing, but when faced with Su Ziyi's cold face, she didn't dare to say a word.

And Su Ziyi and Bian Qing just pretended that they didn't exist and just talked about themselves.

"Didn't that Li Shi come with you?" Su Ziyi didn't see that man along the way.

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