Chapter 387 - 388

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Chapter 387 Torture and interrogation

In the city, there are always people who wake up earlier than you.

Su Ziyi's whole body was tense, like a ghost, his steps were light as he drifted past the alleys and houses, but he arrived at the main street in the blink of an eye.

But here, people who are busy making a living have already set off the smell of fireworks.

These people were immersed in the things in their hands, and no one seemed to notice Su Ziyi, and Su Ziyi pretended that they didn't exist and quickly passed in front of them. The only thing that made him pause was a noodle stall, the noodle stall where Xiao Shuang'er, who had been rescued by Su Yulang, worked. At this time, the noodle stall had also opened, but - the little Shuang'er was not there


When the sun broke through the clouds and revealed its head, Su Ziyi had already wielded his sword to a place far outside the city. Although he has never participated in Bian Qing and Su Yulang's actions, every day when they come back, they will tell him about their progress, so even if Su Ziyi has not followed them out for a day, he still knows where they have been recently.

From this, it didn't take long for him to stop on a hilltop.

This hilltop is not big, only seven to eight feet high, so it looks more like a small mound. But on such a small mound, there was an extremely dazzling pool of dried and blackened blood, which stung Su Ziyi's eyeballs. And almost the moment he saw it, Su Ziyi's waist, which had been stretched all night, softened.

He was obviously a cultivator in the middle stage of foundation building, but now he was starving because he had not rested all night.

"Hoo ho...ho..." His drooped shoulders kept shrugging, and he screamed strangely in his throat. He staggered step by step to the pool of blood and picked up a whip from the ground. Without a second glance, he could recognize that it was Su Yulang's whip. It was the first middle-grade treasure that Su Yulang made by himself, and it was also Su Yulang's favorite whip.

He clenched his hand tightly, and a red mark appeared in his palm.

Su Ziyi seemed to feel no pain at all. He sniffed and raised his head, his eyes full of anger. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. When he opened his eyes again, he was back to his usual self. He carefully put Su Yulang's whip into his storage bag, and then began to search for clues around it.

The blood stains had dried and turned black, indicating that some time had passed since the incident occurred, but it did not mean that nothing was left behind.

There were not many traces of the battle, not even many trampled and chopped shrub branches. There are some messy footprints, and some of them are particularly small and heavy. At a glance, you can tell that they are the footprints of ordinary people who have not practiced cultivation, and they are still not very old. Looking at these extremely obvious footprints, Su Ziyi suddenly had a guess in his mind.

He followed the footprints and the broken branches of the shrubs, and soon found a way up the mountain.

But the road was extremely clean, without a drop of blood, and it was not wide enough for one person to get in and out. Obviously, Bian Qing and Su Yulang did not take this road when they left. So how did it disappear? Su Ziyi raised his head and looked at the top of his head that was covered by the branches. He saw the blue sky through the gaps between the branches and leaves, and his pupils shrank.

It's foundation building.

There is a foundation builder taking action.

In this world, the people Su Ziyi cares about most are Bian Qing and Su Yulang. Apart from them, he doesn't care what happens to others. He may have mercy on the weak, but rarely takes action; and if someone offends him, he will desperately seek justice for himself and his family.

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