Chapter 353 - 354

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Chapter 353 Adari City


Su Ziyi took a few steps back, his face full of disbelief.

At this moment, it was as if someone was pounding his brain with a wooden stick, smashing the brain into a ball of paste; and there was also a harsh, high-pitched sound ringing in his ears, causing him to lose coordination in his limbs.

But in fact, it would only take a breath for him to regain clarity before his eyes.

"What's going on?" His voice was very calm. If his slightly trembling hands were excluded, Zhu Lian would probably feel that Su Ziyi was not too affected.

Sighing, Zhu Lian frowned and said: "Adali City is close to Miao and Dian, and due to the terrain, many forces gathered together -"

"I know all this, let's talk about the key points!" These words of Zhu Lian were heard in Su Ziyi's ears It turned into a chattering noise, all meaningless, which made him unbearable and interrupted the other party's words, but his tone was a little rough.

Zhu Lian choked, but the next second he looked at Su Ziyi's already red eyes, and the words slipped out of his mouth: "The people of the Red Scarf Army went to Adali City." Red Scarf Army


Suddenly, there was dead silence between the two.

Five years ago, when Su Ziyi and his party entered Dai Country, they had heard about this new force. But because the place they were in was the territory of Xuan Cang Sect, the Red Scarf Army did not dare to invade, so they never had direct contact with them.

But even if he had never come into contact with him, Su Ziyi had heard of the other party's reputation among cultivators.

Originally, this Red Scarf Army, like other emerging small forces that emerged in Dai Kingdom, continued to strengthen itself by devouring declining forces. Because they never had a head-on confrontation, they have been developing relatively well. However, in more than 20 years, they occupied a small area of ​​​​land in the central part of Dai State and have been developing steadily towards the surrounding areas.

Originally, it would have been fine if it had just continued like this. After all, there were too many forces like this in Dai's history and present, and they were not worth remembering.

But, three years ago, things changed.

Su Ziyi once heard from other cultivators who returned from missions that there was a civil strife within the Red Scarf Army three years ago, which led to a major reshuffle of the entire internal force. When all the dust settled, the Red Turban Army seemed to have a completely new look.

In the past, although the Red Scarf Army was a mixed bag, including practitioners and ordinary people, the banner they used was no different from other small forces in Dai Kingdom. But after that incident, they seemed to have a seizure. They actually used the banner of seeking the welfare of the common people, and actually said it, and rescued some areas that were slaves of evil cultivators. For a while, the reputation of the Red Scarf Army was Da Nao is constantly being sung in the mouths of ordinary people.

But other practitioners looked at this matter as if it were a joke.

Not to mention that the Red Scarf Army is dealing with some already weak evil cultivator forces, and they are not favored by other major forces at all. Just saying that the other party has lowered its status in the name of justice for the benefit of ordinary people is enough. It's enough to make people laugh out loud.

Just how hypocritical people are can be seen just by looking at them.

"We didn't expect that the Red Scarf Army would secretly cooperate with Miao Dian's people and secretly accumulate a lot of strength in Adali City." Zhu Lian glanced at Su Ziyi and saw that the other party was not furious. He continued to explain: "This time, Elder Qiao Yun and the others originally went to Adali City just to find materials, but they did not expect to be involved in the local power struggle, and accidentally discovered the Red Scarf Army and the Miao Army. Dian's conspiracy."

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